Albania | Fatjona Cinaj | Ministry of Tourism and Environment | Boulevard, Deshmorete Kombit, n. l , 1001 |
Algeria | Hamza Merabet | Commissariat aux Energies Renouvelables et à l'Efficacité Energétique (CEREFE) | 23 Docteur Asselah Slimane |
Andorra | Carles Miquel | Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Sustanaibility - Govern d'Andorra | c/ Prat de la Creu, 62-64 |
Angola | Luis Domingos Constantino | Ministry of Environment, Office of Climate Change | |
Antigua and Barbuda | Dale Destin | Meteorological Services | P. O. Box 1051 |
Argentina | Eliana Ester Saissac | Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship , Directorate of Environmental Affairs | Esmeralda 1212 - Piso 14° - Of. 1408, CABA (CP 1007) |
Armenia | Nona Budoyan | Ministry of Environment of RA | 3 Government Building, Republic Square |
Australia | Kath Rowley | Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water | GPO Box 3090 |
Austria | Manfred Ogris | Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry | Stubenbastei 5 |
Azerbaijan | Fuad Humbatov | National Hydrometeorology Service | H. Aliyev ave. 50 |
Bahamas | Jeffrey Simmons | Bahamas Department of Meteorology | East Street, P. O. Box N-8330 |
Bahrain | Layla Sabeel | Supreme Council for Environment | P.O Box 18233, Sehab Executive Tower, 19th Tower |
Bangladesh | Farhina Ahmed | Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change | Building 06, Level-13, Room 1309 |
Barbados | Yolande J. Howard | Ministry of Environment & National Beautification, Green and Blue Economy | 10th Floor, Warrens Tower II, Warrens |
Belarus | Igor Kachanovsky | Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection | 10 Kollektornaya Street |
Belgium | Bart Rymen | Belgian Science Policy Office (Belspo) | WTC III, Simon Bolivarlaan 30, bus 7 |
Belize | Ronald Gordon | National Meteorological Services | P.O. Box 717 |
Benin | Didier Kakpa | Agence Nationale de la Météorologie | Route de l'Aéroport |
Bhutan | Karma Dupchu | National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology (NCHM), Royal Government of Bhutan | P.O.Box No:207, Doeboom Lam, Thimthrom, |
Bolivia | Diego Pacheco Balanza | Estado Plurinational de Bolivia | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Goran Trbic | Faculty of Science University of Banja Luka | Bulevar vojvode Petra Bojovica 1A |
Botswana | Chandapiwa Sebeela | Department of Meteorological Services | Plot 54216, Corner Maaloso, Metsimotlhaba Rd |
Brazil | Túlio César Mourthé de Alvün Andrade | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco H, Anexo 1, 4° andar, |
Brunei | Dato Paduka Haji Awang Halbi | Brunei Climate Change Secretariat, Prime Minister's Office. | Jalan Menteri Besar, Bandar Seri Begawan,, BB3913 |
Bulgaria | Ivona Grozeva | Ministry of Environment and Water | 22, Maria-Luisa Blvd |
Burkina Faso | Ulrich Jacques Diasso | Agence Nationale de la Météorologie | 01 BP 576 |
Burundi | Ezéchiel Kayoya | Institut Géographique du Burundi | |
Cabo Verde | Francisco da Veiga Correia | National Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics | Delegação do INMG - PRAIA BP. 467 Praia - Santiago |
Cambodia | Mao Hak | Ministry of Environment | Morodok Techo Building, Small Road Along Bassac River,, Sangkat Tonie Bassac, Khan Chamkarmon |
Cameroon | Temothée Kagonbe | Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Protection de la Nature et du développement durable Delegué Régional du Centre | B.P. 320 |
Canada | Marc D’Iorio | Environment and Climate Change Canada | Place Vincent Massey Annex Buiding, 351, Saint-Joseph Blvd., 9th floor |
Central African Republic | Athanase Hyacinthe Anaclet Yambele | Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile et de la Météorologie | B.P. 941 |
Chad | Hamid Abakar Soulaymane | Ministry of Civil Aviation and National Meteorology | Ministry of Civil Aviation and of the National Meteorology, National Meteorology Agency, Rue du Capitaine Mahamat Adam Aboubakar BP 846 |
Chile | Maritza Jadrijevic Girardi | Ministry of Environment | San Martin # 73 |
China | Zhenlin Chen | China Meteorological Administration | 46, Zhongguancun Nandajie |
Colombia | Ghisliane Echeverry Prieto | Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies - Ideam | Street 25D #96B-70, 3rd Floor |
Comoros | Faissoil Mhadji | Directorate General for the Environment and Forests (DGEF), Climate Change Service. | B.P 41 |
Congo | Nkoua Ngavouka Maryse Dadina | | |
Cook Islands | Tepaeru Herrmann | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration | P.O. Box 105 |
Costa Rica | Ana Rita Chacon Araya | National Meteorological Institute | Apartado: 5583-1000, Caille 17, Avenida 9 |
Cote d'Ivoire | Kouakou Bernard DJE | Direction de la Météorologie Nationale | 15 BP 990 |
Croatia | Ivan Guttler | Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service | Ravnice 48 |
Cuba | Celso Pazos Alberdi | Institute of Meteorology | Apartado 17032, CP 11700 |
Cyprus | Kleanthis Nicolaides | Departement of Meteorology, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment | 22 Nikis Avenue |
Czech Republic | Radim Tolasz | Czech Hydrometeorological Institute | Na Sabatce 17, 143 06 Praha 6 |
DRC | Olivier Thamba Umba | METTELSAT | Chaussée M'Zee Laureant Desiré KABILA, Binza-Météo |
Democratic People's Republic of Korea | Song Rim YUN | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Jugsong-dong, Central District, P.O.Box 44 |
Denmark | Tina Christensen | Danish Meteorological Institute | Sankt Kjelds Plads 11 |
Djibouti | Abdallah Omar Dini | Ministère de l’Habitat de l’Urbanisme et de l’environnement | B.P. 2091 |
Dominica | Hunter Edgar | Ministry of Environment, Rural Modernization and Kalinago Upliftment | 1st Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue |
Dominican Republic | Ana Emilia Pimentel Rodriguez | Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources | Ave. Cayetano Germosen esq. Ave. Gregorio Luperon, Ensanche El Pedregal |
Ecuador | Karla Montaño | Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition | Calle Madrid 1159 y Andalucía, Código Postal 170525 |
Egypt | Sherif Abd El Rahim | GM, Climate Change Technology & Researches | New Administration Capital, Cairo, Egypt |
El Salvador | Jacqueline Yamileth Rivera | Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources | Kil6metro 5 ½ Carretera a Santa Tecla, Colonia y calle Las Mercedes, edificios MARN |
Equatorial Guinea | Malavo Nsene Pedro | Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry | |
Estonia | Ala Taimar | Estonian Meteorological and Hydrological Institute | Mustamäe tee 33 |
Eswatini | Duduzile Nhlengethwa-Masina | Swaziland Meteorological Service | P.O. Box 2652 |
Ethiopia | Fetene Teshome Tola | Ethiopian Meteorology Institute (EMI) | Bole Road |
Fiji | Misaeli Mavoa Funaki | Fiji Meteorological Services | Fiji Meteorological Services, Ministry of Disaster Management and Meteorological Services |
Finland | Petteri Taalas | Finnish Meteorological Institute | Erik Palmenin aukio 1, P.O. BOX 503 |
France | Marc Moroni | Ministère de la Transition Energétique | MTE/MTECT - GSDD/SRI/SDR, 92055 La Défence Cedex |
Gabon | Alfred Ngomanda | National Centre for Scientific and Technological Research | Quartier Gros Bouquet |
Gambia | Lamin Mai Touray | Department of Water Resources | Department of Water Resources, 7 Marina Parade |
Georgia | Ramaz Chitanava | Department of Hydrometeorology National Environmental Agency Ministry of Environmental Protection of Georgia | 150 David Agmashenebeli Ave |
Germany | Marcus Stadthaus | Federal Foreign Office, Division 409 | Werderscher Markt 1 |
Ghana | Daniel Tutu Benefoh | Environmental Protection Agency Climate Change Unit | 91 Starlets Street, P.O. Box M326 |
Greece | Christos Giannakopoulos | Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development of the National Observatory of Athens | I. Metaxa & Vas. Pavlou |
Grenada | Aria St Louis | Ministry of Climate Resilience, the Environment and Renewable Energy | Ministerial Complex |
Guatemala | Edvin Josué Castellanos López | Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources | 7 Avenue 03-67, Zone 13, PBX: 2423-0500 |
Guinea | Goikwia KOIBA | Agence Nationale de la Météorologie | Face Jardin 2 Octobre, BP. 556 |
Guinea Bissau | Fernando Baial Sambú | National Institute of Meteorology | |
Guyana | Andrew Bishop | Department of Environment and Climate Change | Office of the President, Shiv Chanderpaul Drive |
Haiti | Kenel Delusca | Ministry of Environment/ Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies of Haiti/ University of Montreal | 11 Rue 4, Pacot |
Honduras | Malcolm Bryan Stufkens Salgado | Secretaria de Energia, Recursos naturales, Ambiente y Minas | Edificio Principal, 200 metros al Sur del Estadio Nacional |
Hungary | Veronika Bagi | Ministry of Energy, Hungary Climate Policy Department | 1119 Budapest, Oktober huszonharmadika u. 18, P.O. Box 1440 |
Iceland | Anna Hulda Olafsdottir | Icelandic Meteorological Office | Bustaoavegur 9 |
India | Sharath Kumar Pallerla | Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC) | Level- III, Vayu Block, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan,, Jor Bagh Road |
Indonesia | Ary Sudjianto | Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Indonesia | Manggala Wanabakti Building Block VII 12th Floor, Jalan Gatot Subroto, |
Iran | Sahar Tajbakhsh Mosalman | Islamic Republic of Iran Meteorological Organization (IRIMO) | P.O. Box 13185-461 |
Iraq | Samar Yousif Issa | Ministry of Environment | |
Ireland | Skelly Megan | Department of Environment, Climate and Communications | 29-31 Adelaide Road |
Israel | Amir Givati | Israel Meteorological Service | |
Italy | Antonio Navarra | Fondazione CMCC - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici | Via Marco Biagi 5 |
Jamaica | Jacqueline Spence | Meteorological Service Division | Meteorological Service Division, 65 3/4 Half Way Tree Road |
Japan | Hiroki Matsui | Climate Change Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs | 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku |
Jordan | Mohamed Khashashneh | Ministry of Environment | King Faisal Bin Abd Aziz Street, 83 Um Uthaina Amman |
Kazakhstan | Saule Sabieva | Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources | Mangilik El avenue, 8, The House of Ministries, entrance 14 |
Kenya | Patricia Nying'uro | Kenya Meteorological Service | Dagoretti Corner, Ngong Road, P.O. Box 30259 - 00100 GPO |
Kiribati | Nenenteiti Teariki-Ruatu | Environment and Conservation Division (ECD), Ministry of Environment, Lands, and Agriculture Development (MELAD) | MELAD, P.O. Box 234 |
Kuwait | Samira AlKandari | Environmental Monitoring Affairs | P.O. Box 24395 |
Kyrgyzstan | Melis Turgunbaev | Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision | 2, Erkindik boulevard |
Laos | Syamphone Sengchandala | Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment | Dongnaxok Tai Village, Sikhotabong District |
Latvia | Kristine Zommere-Rotcenkova | Ministry of Climate and Energy of the Republic of Latvia | Peldu iela 26/28 |
Lebanon | Tharwat Mokalled | Ministry of Environment, Air Quality Department | P.O.Box 11-2727 |
Lesotho | Mokoena France | Ministry of Energy and Meteorology | 2nd and 3rd Floor, Options Building, Pioneer Road, P.O. Box 14515 |
Liberia | Arthur Gar-Glahn | Director of Meteorology Ministry of Transport | P.O. Box 9041 |
Libya | Ali S. Eddenjal | National Center of Meteorology | Gorji path |
Liechtenstein | Karin Jehle | Offie of Environment | Postfach 684 |
Lithuania | Marilè Kosaitè | Ministry of Environment | 4/9 Jaksto St.,, LT-01105 |
Luxembourg | Georges Gehl | Ministère du développement durable et des infrastructures, Département de l'Environnment | |
Madagascar | Nirivololona Raholijao | National Meteorological Service | Applied Research Service National Meteorological Service, P.O. Box 1254 |
Malawi | Lucy Mtilatila | Ministry of Natural Resources and Climate Change | Off Kenyatta Drive, City Centre |
Malaysia | Mohammed Ahmad Farid | Ministry for the Environment and Water - Climate Change Division | Level 5 - Block C7, C Complex, Federal Government Adminstrative Centre |
Maldives | Ahmed Waheed | Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology | Handhu varee Hingun, Maafannu |
Mali | Moussa Toure | Agence Nationale de la Météorologie (MALI-METEO) | Size Zone Aéroportuaire Président Modibo Keita, Sénou B.P. 237 |
Marshall Islands | Reginald White | RMI Weather Services | Long Island Road, Rairok, P.O. Box 78. |
Mauritania | Mohamed-Yahya Lafdal | Ministere de l\'Environment et du Developpement Durable | Directeur de la Programmation, de la Coordination et de l\'Information Environnementale, Ministere de l\'Environnement et du Developpement Durable |
Mauritius | Ravi Shankar Sonea | Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change | 10th Floor - Ken Lee Tower, Barracks Street |
Mexico | Oscar Alejandro Vazquez Martinez | Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático | Jardines en la Montaña, Tlalpan |
Micronesia, Federated States of | Andrew Yatilman | Office of Environment and Emergency Management | PS-69 |
Moldova | Marina Lungu | Climate Change Policy Section | 162 Ștefan cel Mare street, |
Monaco | Jessica Astier | Direction de l'Environnement, Division Energie, Climat, Activités Urbaines | 3, Avenue de Fontvieille |
Mongolia | Zamba Batjargal | Ministry of Environment and tourism | Room 203 , Margad Center, Sukhbaatar District , Climate Change Research and Cooperation Center (CCRCC) |
Montenegro | Mirjana Ivanov | Institute of hydrometeorology and Seismology | IV proleterske 19, 81000 Podgorica |
Morocco | Mohammed Dkhissi | | Boulevard Mohamed Taieb Naciri, Hay Hassani, |
Mozambique | Bernardino Joao Nhantumbo | National Institute of Meteorology | 164 Rua De Mukumbura |
Namibia | Sieglinde Somses | Ministry of Works and Transport | Private Bag 13341, Ausspannplatz, 6719 Bell Street, Synman Circle |
Nauru | Reagan Moses | Department of Climate Change and National Resilience | Government Offices, Yaren District |
Nepal | Maheshwar Dhakal | Ministry of Forest and Environment | Singhdurbar |
Netherlands | Marcel Berk | Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy | Bezuidenhoutseweg 73, P.O. Box 20401 |
New Zealand | Hannah Chorley | Ministry for the Environment | PO Box 10262 |
Nicaragua | Javier Antonio Gutierrez Ramirez | Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources | |
Niger | Gaptia Lawan Katiellou | Direction de la Météorologie Nationale | B.P 218 |
Nigeria | Salisu Dahiru | National Council on Climate Change | |
Niue | Richard Hipa | Government of Niu | P.O. Box 40 |
North Macedonia | Natasa Markovska | Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Art (ICEIM-MANU) | Krste Misirkov 2 P.O.Box 428 |
Norway | Ole-Kristian Kvissel | Norwegian Environment Agency | Grensesvingen 7 |
Oman | Younis Al-Hajri | Environment Authority | PO. Box 323 |
Pakistan | Muhammad Farooq | Ministry of Climate change and Environment | 4th Floor, LG&RD Complex, Sector G-5/2 |
Palau | Xavier Erbai Matsutaro | Climate Change Office of the President | |
Panama | Javier Martinez | Ministry of Environment | Calle Diego Domínguez, Edif. 804 Albrook, Ancón, |
Paraguay | Ethel Estigarribia | Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development | Madame Lynch 3500 e/ Reservistas de la Guerra del Chaco |
Peru | Carmen del Rocio Azurin Araujo | Ministry of Foreign Affairs, General Directorate for Multilateral and Global Affairs | |
Philippines | Robert E.A Borje | Climate Change Commission | 6th Floor, First Residences, 1557 J.P. Laurel St. Malacanan |
Poland | Marcin Kowalczyk | Ministry of Climate and Environment - Department of Air Protection and Climate Negotiations | Wawelska str. 52/54, zip code : 00-922 |
Portugal | M. de Fatima E.S. Coelho | National Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics | Rua C - do Aeroporto |
Qatar | Abdulhadi Naser Almarri | Ministry of Municipality and Environment | P.O. Box 7634 |
Republic of Korea | Yae Won OH | Korea Meteorological Administration | 61 Yeouidaebang-ro, 16-gil, Dongjak-gu |
Romania | Roxana Bojariu | National Meteorological Administration | 97 Bucuresti-Ploiesti Av., 13686 |
Russia | Sergey Semenov | Institute of Global Climate and Ecology | Chief Scientist, Yu.A. Izrael Institute of Global Climate and Ecology, Glebovskaya Street 20B |
Rwanda | John Ntaganda Semafara | Rwanda Meteorological Service | B.P. 898 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Cheryl Jeffers | Department of Environment - Ministry of Agriculture, Marine Resources, Cooperatives, Environment and Human Settlements | Corner Central and New Street, Third Floor-Ursula Armory Building |
Saint Lucia | Anita Montoute | Department of Sustainable Development - Ministry of Education, Innovation, Gender Relations and Sustainable Developement | 4th Floor Francis Compton Building, Georgianna Court - John Compton Highway |
Samoa | Peseta Noumea Simi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, P.O. Box L1859 |
San Marino | Laura Gobbi | University of San Marino | Via Napoleone Bonaparte,3 |
Sao Tome and Principe | Anselmo Xavier Fernandes | Ministry of Infrastructure, Natural Resources and Environment | |
Saudi Arabia | Khalid Mohamed Abuleif | Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources | P. O. Box 247 |
Senegal | Ousmane NDIAYE | Agence Nationale de l'Aviation civile et de la Météorologie | Aéroport Léopold Sédar SENGHOR, BP 8184 |
Serbia | Jugoslav Nikolic | Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia | Kneza Viseslava 66 |
Seychelles | Will Agricole | Climate Change and Energy Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment | P.O. Box 445, Botanical Garden, Mt. Fleuri |
Sierra Leone | Ibrahim Sinneh Kamara | Meteorological Department | Meteorological Department, F.18 Charlotte Street |
Singapore | Zhang Weijie | Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment | Environment Building 40 Scotts Road |
Slovakia | Lenka Malatinská | State Advisor, Climate Change Policy Department Ministry of the Environment | Námestie L. Stúra 1 |
Slovenia | Tina Kobilsek | Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning | Dunajska cesta 48 |
Solomon Islands | David Hiba Hiriasia | Solomon Islands Meteorological Service - Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology | Solomon Islands Meteorological Service, P.O.Box 21 |
Somalia | Hafsa Omar Abdilahi | Ministry of Environment and Climate Change | Villa Samalia |
South Africa | Maesela Kekana | Senior Policy Adviser International Climate Change Cooperation Department of Environmental Affairs | Private Bag X 447 |
Spain | Edurne Carrillo Martí | Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge | Plaza de San Juan de la Cruz, s/n |
Sri Lanka | Athula Kumara Karunanayake | Department of Meteorology | Department of Meteorology, Bauddhaloka Mawatha |
Sudan | Mona Ali Mohammed Ahmed | The Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources | B.O.Box 10488 |
Suriname | Ivette Patterzon | Coordination Environment / Cabinet of the President | |
Sweden | Camilla Andersson | Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute | Folkborgsvägen 17 |
Switzerland | Sebastian König | Federal Office for the Environment FOEN | Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications Federal Office for the Environment FOEN, Papiermühlestrasse 172 |
Syria | Sonia Afesa | Ministry of State for Environment Affairs | P.O. Box 3773 |
Tajikistan | Sartor Saidov | Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of Tajikistan | 373 B Street, Gafurov Street |
Tanzania | Wilbert Timiza Muruke | Tanzania Meteorological Authority (TMA) | University of Dodoma, Administration block, College of Informatics and Virtual Education, 1 CIVE Street - P.O. Box 27 |
Thailand | Nareerat Panmanee | Office of Natura l Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment | 118/ 1 Tipco Tower 2, Rama VI Road,, Phaya Thai, |
Timor Leste | Adao Soares Barbosa | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation | Avenida de Portugal Praia dos Coqueiros, PO Box 6 |
Togo | Kokou Sabi | Faculté des Sciences, Université de Lomé | , B.P. 1515 |
Tonga | Fa anunu Ofa | Tonga Meteorological Service | P.O. Box 1380, MEIDECC |
Trinidad and Tobago | Aarti Bedassie-Maharaj | Ministry of Planning and Development | Level 14, Eric Williams Financial Building, Independence Square |
Tunisia | Raïda El Elj | Ministry of Environment | Immeuble CAPRA - Centre Urbain Nord, Avenue Mohamed Béji Caïd Essebsi |
Turkmenistan | Gurbangeldi Allaberdiyev | Ministry of Nature Protection | 102 Kemine Street |
Tuvalu | E Latasi Pepetua | Department of Climate Change and Disaster - Office of the Prime Minister - Government of Tuvalu | Partnership House, Vaiaku |
Türkiye | Halil Hasar | Directorate of Climate Change | Camlica Mahallesi Anadolu Bulvan 64/2, 06560 Yenimahalle |
UAE | Muna Ahmad Alamoodi | Ministry of Climate change and Environment | |
UK | Jolene Cook | Department for Energy Security and Net Zero | 3-8 Whitehall Place |
USA | Trigg Talley | U.S. Department of State | 2201 C St NW OES/EGC, Suite 2480 |
Uganda | Godwin Ayesiga | Uganda National Meteorological Authority | Plot 22-28, Port Bell Road, Luzira, P.O. Box 7023 |
Ukraine | Volodymyr Osadchy | Director Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute | 37 Nauky Ave |
Uruguay | Natalie Pareja | Ministry of Environment | Plaza Independencia 710. Piso 6, Torre Ejecutiva Norte |
Uzbekistan | Timur Sabitov | National Centre for climate Change, Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change | 7a, Bunyodkor ave. |
Vanuatu | John Ruben | Ministry of Climate Change, Department of Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-Hazards, Climate Services Division | Private Mail Bag 9054 |
Venezuela | Ruben Dario Molina | Ministerio del Poder Popular para Relaciones Exteriores | Avenida Urdaneta, Esquina de Carmelitas, Torre MRE |
Vietnam | Tang The Cuong | Department of Climate Change (DCC), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Viet Nam | No. 10 Ton That Thuyet Str, Nam Tu Liem Dist |
Yemen | Mohammed Abdulmalek Ali AI-Dhaqm | | |
Zambia | Edson Nkonde | Ministry of Green Economy and Environment | Corner of John Mbita & Nationalist Road, P.O. Box 30147 |
Zimbabwe | Washington Zhakata | Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate | Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate, 11th Floor, Kaguvi Building, CNR. 4th Street/Central Avenue |