These outreach events were hosted and organized by the José Martí Programme within the Ministry of Culture of Cuba and took place in the context of the V International Conference FOR THE WORLD BALANCE “With all and for the good of all” (24-28 January 2023) in Havana, Cuba.
On 26 and 27 January there were several planned activities specifically dedicated to the IPCC. These events aimed at focusing on presenting the findings from the three recently released contributions to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report on the Physical Science Basis, on Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability and on Mitigation of Climate Change. The various events focusing on different regions and audiences also provided opportunity to hear about the IPCC work, activities and process.
Both events on 26 January took place in room 5 at the Havana International Convention Center.
The morning event on 27 January took place in the Instituto International de Periodismo (International Institute of Journalism) “José Martí”, Havana. The afternoon event on 27 January took place at the Centre for World Economy Studies (CIEM), Havana.
Please scroll down to see the provisional programmes, the information note, the list of IPCC speakers and their bios, as well as photo albums and recording of some of the sessions.
Key Messages of the Working Groups's contributions to the Sixth Assessment Report
Key Messages of the Working Groups's contributions to the Sixth Assessment Report with focus on the Caribbean
Escuela Ambiental, Universidad de Antioquia
University of Brasília
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM)
Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI)
National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Coordination of Earth Observation (DSR/OBT)
The University of the West Indies
Institute of Meteorology
Centro de Investigaciones de EconomÃa Mundial (CIEM)