Regional Climate Information: Small Islands
Monday, 8th November 2021

The event will highlight the recent findings of the IPCC AR6 WGI report on the Small Islands. The first part of the event will consist of plenary presentations that will feature a regional overview followed by more focused presentations on the climate information in the Caribbean, Pacific and Western Indian Ocean islands, as well as on regional sea level rise and ocean climate, and tropical cyclones. There will also be a presentation on the Interactive Atlas to discuss the regional synthesis and demonstrate how participants can obtain regional information.

The second part of the event will consist of three breakout groups (BOG), divided per subregion (Caribbean, Pacific, and Western Indian Ocean), which will facilitate interaction between WGI authors and participants, providing the opportunity to raise and respond to questions, and discuss other comments or concerns. Each BOG will be led by at least two facilitators, including a member of the Atlas team. A rapporteur from each group will identify three key topics raised in the discussions and report back to plenary.

Donovan  Campbell
Donovan Campbell

University of the West Indies (Mona Campus)
Faye Abigail  Cruz
Faye Abigail Cruz

Manila Observatory
Michael  Grose
Michael Grose

CSIRO Climate Science Centre
Akm Saiful  Islam
Akm Saiful Islam

Bangaldesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Maialen  Iturbide
Maialen Iturbide

Institute of Physics of Cantabria
Ma Laurice  Jamero
Ma Laurice Jamero

Richard  JONES
Richard JONES

Met Office Hadley Centre
Daniel  Martínez-Castro
Daniel Martínez-Castro

Instituto de Meteorología
Simon  McGree
Simon McGree

Tannecia  Stephenson
Tannecia Stephenson

The University of the West Indies
Olivia  Warrick
Olivia Warrick

International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre
Small Islands - Regional Overview

Faye Cruz


Tannecia Stephenson

Small Islands - Pacific

Simon McGree

Small Islands - Western Indian Ocean

Faye Cruz

Regional sea level rise and oceanic changes

Akm Saiful Islam

Small Islands - Tropical cyclones

Michael Grose


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