Regional Climate Information: Asia
Tuesday, 9th November 2021
The side-event will present the latest knowledge on climate change over Asia from the recently released WGI contribution to the IPCC AR6. It will provide an overview of the main changes that have been observed or are expected with further global climate change. Some additional findings for the main Asian subcontinental regions, its monsoon systems and high mountains will then be presented by IPCC authors involved in generating these. The first part of the event will then conclude with a presentation of the IPCC Interactive Atlas, demonstrating how it facilitates exploration of many of the datasets used in the main assessment and also the synthesis information on climate change over Asia presented in the Summary for Policymakers and the Technical summary.
The second part of the event will comprise five breakout groups, focusing on the main sub-continental regions (North Asia, South West Asia, East Asia, South Asia and South East Asia), which will facilitate interaction between WGI authors and participants, providing the opportunity to raise and respond to questions, and discuss other comments or concerns. Each will be led by at least two facilitators and a rapporteur from each group will report three key topics raised in the discussions back to plenary.
Mansour Almazroui
Center of Excellence for Climate Change Research, King Abdulaziz University
Annalisa Cherchi
Institute for the Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC-CNR)
Faye Abigail Cruz
Manila Observatory
Richard JONES
Met Office Hadley Centre
Yu Kosaka
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
Svitlana Krakovska
Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute
June-Yi Lee
Department of Climate System and IBS Center for Climate Physics, Busan National University
Jian Li
Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences
Thanh Ngo-Duc
University of Science and Technology of Hanoi, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Centre for Climate Change Research
Mohammad Rahimi
Faculty of Desert Studies, Semnan University
Izuru Takayabu
Department of Climate and Geo-chemistry Research, Meteorological Research Institute / Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan.
Wen Wang
Hohai University
Panmao Zhai
China Meteorological Administration
Introducing Asian climate change
Panmao Zhai
Overall presentation on Asia climate change
North, East, South East, South and South West Asia; asian monsoons and high mountain regions
IPCC authors