Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) to reach net-zero and return from overshoot: knowledge gaps and research priorities
Wednesday, 6th December 2023

The session addresses carbon dioxide removal (CDR), which was found to be unavoidable to reach net-zero CO2 or GHG emissions in AR6 WG III & SYR, and which is an essential element of returning from a temporary temperature overshoot, via net-negative CO2 emissions. 

Since COP21 in Paris, there has been a clear trend to increasingly integrate CDR in climate policymaking (considerations), which will only accelerate with the emerging discussion on overshoot trajectories for 1.5C. This can, for example, be detected in sixth assessment cycle products and their influence, but also in yet to be published annual reports like the UNEP EGR 2023 (where OG co-leads a CDR chapter). It can be expected that CDR will play a bigger role during AR7 than in AR6. 

After an initial presentation on the AR6 approach, speakers from Working Groups I, II, III and TFI will provide insights on emerging research areas and persisting knowledge gaps, including on Earth System responses, CDR and natural ecosystems, CDR innovation and policymaking, overlaps/delineations between CDR, CCS and CCU, and methodological guidance for national inventories.  

Christopher  BATAILLE
Christopher BATAILLE

Simon Fraser University / Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (,Paris
Oliver  GEDEN
Oliver GEDEN

German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)
Stephanie  ROE
Stephanie ROE


PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
Kirsten  Zickfeld
Kirsten Zickfeld

Simon Fraser University
Carbon Dioxide Removal to reach net-zero and return from overshoot

Knowledge gaps and research priorities


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