Climate Change and Health: Main Findings from the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report
Sunday, 3rd December 2023

This event will explore the interconnections between human health, ecosystem health, and climate change, including relevant topics, such as: observed and potential impacts of climate change on human health, as well as the co-benefits of CC mitigation for human health, based on key findings of IPCC Working Group II and III, respectively; the interlinkages between climate change as direct driver of biodiversity loss, eco-systems health and human health by combining the perspectives of recent reports by IPCC and IPBES, among others. This event may also explore lessons learned from the assessment of climate action and responses to Covid19 pandemic in recent years: the role of science, implications for local development, equity considerations, and the role of international cooperation.

Katherine  CALVIN
Katherine CALVIN

Aïda  Diongue-Niang
Aïda Diongue-Niang

Agence Nationale de l'Aviation Civile et de la Météorologie du Sénégal -ANACIM
Kristie  Ebi
Kristie Ebi

University of Washington
Jan  Fuglestvedt
Jan Fuglestvedt

Center for International Climate and Environmental Research Oslo (CICERO)
Sherilee  HARPER
Sherilee HARPER

University of Alberta
David  Obura
David Obura

Chair of IPBES

Centro de Investigaciones de Economía Mundial (CIEM)
Climate Change and Health

Main Findings from the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report

Climate Change, Biodiversity & Health - IPBES Perspectives

IPBES Perspectives

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