Small Islands: Staying Afloat and Alive @ 1.5
Monday, 14th November 2022

The main objective of the event is to share climate change science with a broad range of stakeholders by providing a platform to discuss climate change impacts, the implementation of adaptation solutions for small islands, which may assist in achieving transformation toward the end goal of a sustainable future for small island states, and vulnerabilities they face in addressing impacts and taking adaptation action. 
Many small islands are seeking answers to what urgent climate adaptation action is needed to protect themselves from the impacts of climate change. No single adaptation measure will be the panacea or provide the “silver bullet” for all the challenges faced by small islands. It is clear that a balancing act is needed in implementing adaptation solutions ranging from a combination of ecosystem-based adaptation and engineered coastal structures to extreme measures such as planned relocation in retreating from the coast.  To this end, we can expect that stakeholders are in search of finding out:
1. What adaptation solutions are available; 
2. Is there a “one size fits all” solution or would solutions need to be country-specific;
3. Are there examples of best practice in small islands where adaptation solutions have been implemented; 
4. What will these adaptation measures cost; 
5. Where will the finance come from to compensate for loss and damage from climate change events;  
6. What advice can be given to facilitate access to adaptation finance given the challenges many of them have encountered in so doing; and 
7. Adaptation limits, barriers and opportunities. 
Almost a decade ago, a formal mechanism to tackle loss and damage was established but concrete steps to address the issue have not materialised. The topic of loss and damage is expected to be highly debated at cop27, as small island states occupying the frontline are already being impacted by floods, droughts, tropical cyclones, rising heat and sea levels and coral reef damage. The issue of climate justice will be also contested by small islands as they seek distributive justice. 
The event will follow the format of (i) first presenting the occurring and projected impacts of climate change; (ii) second, current adaptation solutions/options being implemented and their associated barriers, limits and opportunities for uptake.

Sheila  Babauta
Sheila Babauta

Environmental Justice Movement
Mark  Bynoe
Mark Bynoe

Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (5Cs)
Janine  Felson
Janine Felson

Shobha  Maharaj
Shobha Maharaj

Michelle  Mycoo
Michelle Mycoo

The University of the West Indies
Johanna  Nalau
Johanna Nalau

Griffith University
John  Pinnegar
John Pinnegar

Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas)
Small Islands: Staying afloat and alive@1.5

Michelle Mycoo, Shobha Maharaj, Johanna Nalau, and John Pinnegar on behalf of the Chapter 15 team


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