Transforming Human Behavior to Enable Ocean-Focused Climate Action, Biodiversity Protection and Sustainable Development
Tuesday, 15th November 2022
The Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) finds that pathways limiting global warming to 1.5C require rapid and far-reaching transitions in human systems, e.g., the energy and industry sectors, ecosystem management, infrastructure, and society. Despite this challenge, limiting warming to 1.5C with no or limited overshoot will avoid reaching many limits to adaptation.
Many opportunities exist to transform human systems in ways that will increase ocean-based contributions to climate action and climate-resilient development. Opportunities exist within conservation and restoration of ocean ecosystems, sustainable marine resource use, global and local cooperation, and use of effective governance and financing. The IPCC Working Group II report assesses that conservation, evidence-based management, and sustainable use of the ocean enable ocean-based adaptation and help improve human, ecosystem and planetary health; human wellbeing; and economic and social resilience. This session will also discuss how managing simultaneously for multiple ocean crises — climate impacts, biodiversity loss and unsustainable fisheries — while meeting the objectives of climate resilient development can contribute to achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and a sustainable ocean.
Sarah Cooley
Ocean Conservancy
Chip Cunliffe
Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance (ORRAA)
Nathalie Jeanne Marie HILMI
Centre Scientifique de Monaco
Johanna Nalau
Griffith University
Hans-Otto Pörtner
Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Kate Schweigart
Innovative Finance
William Solecki
City University of New York
Carol Turley
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Case study: Human transitions in small-scale fisheries
Kate Schweigart, Vice President of Innovative Finance, Rare, USA
Case study: innovative finance to build resilience/human adaptive capacity to ocean-based climate impacts
Chip Cunliffe, Programme and Risk Director, Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance
Small Islands
Johanna Nalau, Griffith University, Australia and Lead Author IPCC AR6 WGII Ch. 5, Small Island
Coastal Cities
William Solecki, Hunter College, USA, and Contributing Author IPCC AR6 WGII Cross-Chapter Paper 2, Cities by the Sea
Ocean-Climate Finance
Nathalie Hilmi, Centre Scientifique de Monaco, Monaco and Lead Author IPCC AR6 WGII Ch. 18, Climate-Resilient Development Pathways, and Cross-Chapter Paper 4, Mediterranean
Oceans & Coastal Systems
Sarah Cooley, Ocean Conservancy, USA, and Coordinating Lead Author IPCC AR6 WGII Ch. 3, Ocean & Coastal Ecosystems & their Services