Special Report on Climate Change and Land (SRCCL)
Chapter 1: Framing and Context
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
1 | ARNETH | Almut | CLA | F | Nigeria | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
2 | DENTON | Fatima | CLA | F | Ghana | Gambia | United Nations University |
3 | AGUS | Fahmuddin | LA | M | Indonesia | Indonesia | National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) |
4 | ELBEHRI | Aziz | LA | M | Italy | Morocco | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) |
5 | ERB | Karlheinz | LA | M | Austria | Italy | Institute of Social Ecology Vienna, Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt-Wien-Graz |
6 | OSMAN-ELASHA | Balgis | LA | F | Cote d'Ivoire | Sudan | African Development Bank |
7 | RAHIMI | Mohammad | LA | M | Iran | Iran | Faculty of Desert Studies, Semnan University |
8 | ROUNSEVELL | Mark | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of Edinburgh |
9 | SPENCE | Adrian | LA | M | Jamaica | Jamaica | International Centre for Environmental and Nuclear Sciences |
10 | VALENTINI | Riccardo | LA | M | Italy | Italy | CMCC - Fondazione Centro euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici and Univeristy of Tuscia |
11 | ALDRIAN | Edvin | RE | M | Indonesia | Indonesia | Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) |
12 | MCCARL | Bruce | RE | M | United States of America | USA | Texas A&M University |
13 | SÁNZ SÁNCHEZ | María José | RE | F | Spain | Spain | Basque Centre of Climate Change |
Chapter 2: Land-Climate Interactions
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
14 | JIA | Gensuo | CLA | M | China | China | Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
15 | SHEVLIAKOVA | Elena | CLA | F | United States of America | USA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory |
16 | ARTAXO NETTO | Paulo Eduardo | LA | M | Brazil | Brazil | University of São Paulo - Institute of Physics |
17 | DE NOBLET-DUCOUDRÉ | Nathalie | LA | F | France | France | Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE) |
18 | HOUGHTON | Richard | LA | M | United States of America | USA | Woods Hole Research Center |
19 | HOUSE | Joanna | LA | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of Bristol |
20 | KITAJIMA | Kaoru | LA | F | Japan | Japan | Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University |
21 | LENNARD | Christopher | LA | M | South Africa | South Africa | University of Cape Town |
22 | POPP | Alexander | LA | M | Germany | Germany | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research |
23 | SIRIN | Andrey | LA | M | Russian Federation | Russia | Institute of Forest Science Russian Academy of Sciences |
24 | SUKUMAR | Raman | LA | M | India | India | Indian Institute of Science |
25 | VERCHOT | Louis | LA | M | Colombia | USA | International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) |
26 | BERNIER | Pierre | RE | M | Canada | Canada | Natural Resources Canada / Canadian Forest Service |
27 | ESPINOZA | Jhan Carlo | RE | M | Peru | Peru | Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) |
28 | SEMENOV | Sergey | RE | M | Russian Federation | Russia | Institute of Global Climate and Ecology |
Chapter 3: Desertification
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
29 | MIRZABAEV | Alisher | CLA | M | Germany | Uzbekistan | University of Bonn |
30 | WU | Jianguo | CLA | M | China | China | Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences |
31 | EVANS | Jason | LA | M | Australia | Australia | University of New South Wales |
32 | GARCíA-OLIVA | Felipe | LA | M | Mexico | Mexico | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
33 | HUSSEIN | Ismail Abdel Galil | LA | M | Egypt | Egypt | Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, Egypt |
34 | IQBAL | Muhammad Mohsin | LA | M | Pakistan | Pakistan | Global Change Impact Studies Centre (GCISC) |
35 | KIMUTAI | Joyce | LA | F | Kenya | Kenya | Kenya Meteorological Department |
36 | KNOWLES | Tony | LA | M | South Africa | South Africa | Cirrus Group |
37 | MEZA | Francisco | LA | M | Chile | Chile | Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile |
38 | NEDJRAOUI | Dalila | LA | F | Algeria | Algeria | University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene |
39 | TENA | Fasil | LA | M | Ethiopia | Ethiopia | Ethiopia Pilot Program for Country Partnership |
40 | TüRKEş | Murat | LA | M | Türkiye | Türkiye | Boğaziçi University - Center for Climate Change and Policy Studies |
41 | VÁZQUEZ MONTENEGRO | Ranses José | LA | M | Cuba | Cuba | Instituto de Meteorología |
42 | WELTZ | Mark | LA | M | United States of America | USA | USDA- ARS Great Basin Rangelands Research Unit |
43 | AKHTAR-SCHUSTER | Mariam | RE | F | Germany | Germany | German Aerospace Center, Project Management Agency (DLR-PT) |
44 | DRIOUECH | Fatima | RE | F | Morocco | Morocco | Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, International Water Research Institute. |
45 | SANKARAN | Mahesh | RE | M | India | India | National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamanetal Research |
Chapter 4: Land Degradation
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
46 | BARBOSA | Humberto | CLA | M | Brazil | Brazil | Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL) |
47 | OLSSON | Lennart | CLA | M | Sweden | Sweden | Lund University |
48 | BHADWAL | Suruchi | LA | F | India | India | The Energy and Resources Institute |
49 | COWIE | Annette | LA | F | Australia | Australia | NSW Department of Primary Industries; Science-Policy Interface UNCCD; Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel Global Environment Facility |
50 | DELUSCA | Kenel | LA | M | Haiti | Haiti | Ministry of Environment/ Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies of Haiti/ University of Montreal |
51 | FLORES-RENTERIA | Dulce | LA | F | Mexico | Mexico | CONACYT-CINVESTAV |
52 | HERMANS | Kathleen | LA | F | Germany | Germany | Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH (UFZ) |
53 | JOBBAGY | Esteban | LA | M | Argentina | Argentina | CONICET & Universidad Nacional de San Luis |
54 | KURZ | Werner A. | LA | M | Canada | Canada | Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada |
55 | LI | Diqiang | LA | M | China | China | Professor |
56 | SONWA | Denis Jea | LA | M | Cameroon | Cameroon | CIFOR (Center for International Forestry Research) |
57 | STRINGER | Lindsay | LA | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of York |
58 | MORENO | Jose Manuel | RE | M | Spain | Spain | UNIVERSITY OF CASTILLA-LA MANCHA |
59 | VERA | Carolina | RE | F | Argentina | Argentina | CIMA/Universidad de Buenos Aires-CONICET |
Chapter 5: Food Security
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
60 | MBOW | Cheikh | CLA | M | United States of America | Senegal | START International |
61 | ROSENZWEIG | Cynthia | CLA | F | United States of America | USA | NASA GISS |
62 | BARIONI | Luis Gustavo | LA | M | Brazil | Brazil | Embrapa Agricultural Informatics |
63 | BENTON | Tim | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of Leeds |
64 | HERRERO | Mario | LA | M | Australia | Costa Rica | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation |
65 | KRISHNAPILLAI | Murukesan V. | LA | M | Micronesia, Federated States of | India | Cooperative Research & Extension, College of Micronesia-FSM |
66 | LIWENGA | Emma | LA | F | United Republic of Tanzania | Tanzania | INSTITUTE OF RESOURCE ASSESSMENT (IRA) - UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM |
67 | PRADHAN | Prajal | LA | M | Germany | Nepal | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) |
68 | RIVERA-FERRE | Marta G. | LA | F | Spain | Spain | Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) |
69 | SAPKOTA | Tek | LA | M | India | Nepal | Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Program/ International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) |
70 | TUBIELLO | Francesco | LA | M | Italy | USA | UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), Natural Resources Department |
71 | XU | Yinlong | LA | M | China | China | Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
72 | AMANULLAH | Amanullah | RE | M | Pakistan | Pakistan | Department of Agronomy, University of Agriculture Peshawar |
73 | BENKEBLIA | Noureddine | RE | M | Jamaica | Jamaica | The University of the West Indies |
74 | CHALLINOR | Andrew J. | RE | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of Leeds |
75 | PORTER | John R. | RE | M | Denmark | UK | University of Copenhagen |
Chapter 6: Interlinkages between desertification, land degradation, food security and GHG fluxes: synergies, trade-offs and integrated response options
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
76 | NKEM | Johnson Ndi | CLA | M | Cameroon | Cameroon | African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) |
77 | SMITH | Peter | CLA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of Aberdeen |
78 | CALVIN | Katherine | LA | F | United States of America | USA | NASA |
79 | CAMPBELL | Donovan | LA | M | Jamaica | Jamaica | University of the West Indies (Mona Campus) |
80 | CHERUBINI | Francesco | LA | M | Norway | Italy | Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) |
81 | GRASSI | Giacomo | LA | M | Italy | Italy | European Commission - Joint Research Centre |
82 | KOROTKOV | Vladimir | LA | M | Russian Federation | Russia | Institute of Global Climate and Ecology |
83 | LE HOANG | Anh | LA | F | Vietnam | Vietnam | Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam |
84 | LWASA | Shuaib | LA | M | Netherlands | Uganda | Erasmus University Rotterdam |
85 | MCELWEE | Pamela | LA | F | United States of America | USA | Rutgers University |
86 | NKONYA | Ephraim | LA | M | United States of America | Tanzania | International Food Policy Research Institute |
87 | SAIGUSA | Nobuko | LA | F | Japan | Japan | Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies |
88 | SOUSSANA | Jean-francois | LA | M | France | France | INRA (French National Institute for Agricultural, Environment and Food Research) |
89 | TABOADA | Miguel Angel | LA | M | Argentina | Argentina | INTA, CIRN, Institute of Soils |
90 | ABDULLA | Amjad | RE | M | United Arab Emirates | Maldives | International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) |
91 | NOBLE | Ian R. | RE | M | Australia | Australia | Australian National University |
92 | YAMAGATA | Yoshiki | RE | M | Japan | Japan | Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University |
93 | ZATARI | Taha | RE | M | Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabia | DNA-Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral resources |
Chapter 7: Risk management and decision making in relation to sustainable development
Last Name | First Name | Role | Gender | Country | Citizenship | Current Affiliation | |
94 | HURLBERT | Margot | CLA | F | Canada | Canada | University of Regina |
95 | KRISHNASWAMY | Jagdish | CLA | M | India | India | Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) |
96 | DAVIN | Edouard | LA | M | Switzerland | France | ETH Zurich |
97 | JOHNSON | Francis X. | LA | M | Kenya | Sweden | Stockholm Environment Institute |
98 | MENA | Carlos Fernando | LA | M | Ecuador | Ecuador | Universidad San Francisco de Quito |
99 | MORTON | John | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich |
100 | MYEONG | Soojeong | LA | F | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea | Korea Environment Institute |
101 | VINER | David | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | Green Investment Group |
102 | WARNER | Koko | LA | F | Germany | USA | UNFCCC Adaptation Programme, Subprogramme Climate Impacts, Vulnerability, and Impacts |
103 | WREFORD | Anita | LA | F | New Zealand | New Zealand | Lincoln University |
104 | ZAKIELDEEN | Sumaya A. | LA | F | Sudan | Sudan | Institute of Environmental Studies |
105 | ZOMMERS | Zinta | LA | F | United States of America | Latvia | United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) |
106 | RODRIGUES | Regina | RE | F | Brazil | Brazil | Federal University of Santa Catarina |
107 | TURNER II | B.l. | RE | M | United States of America | USA | Arizona State University |