1 | HOEGH-GULDBERG | Ove | CLA | M | Australia | Australia | University of Queensland |
2 | JACOB | Daniela | CLA | F | Germany | Germany | Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht |
3 | TAYLOR | Michael | CLA | M | Jamaica | Jamaica | University of the West Indies |
4 | BINDI | Marco | LA | M | Italy | Italy | University of Florence |
5 | BROWN | Sally | LA | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of Southampton |
6 | CAMILLONI | Inés | LA | F | Argentina | Argentina | Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmosfera (CIMA) - University of Buenos Aires - CONICET |
7 | DIEDHIOU | Arona | LA | M | Cote d'Ivoire | Senegal | Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement / Université Félix Houphouet Boigny |
8 | DJALANTE | Riyanti | LA | F | Japan | Indonesia | Kendari City Government |
9 | EBI | Kristie | LA | F | United States of America | USA | University of Washington |
10 | ENGELBRECHT | Francois | LA | M | South Africa | South Africa | University of the Witwatersrand |
11 | GUIOT | Joel | LA | M | France | France | CNRS / CEREGE |
12 | HIJIOKA | Yasuaki | LA | M | Japan | Japan | National Institute for Environmental Studies |
13 | MEHROTRA | Shagun | LA | M | United States of America | India | The World Bank, Washington DC and The New School, New York |
14 | PAYNE | Antony | LA | M | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of Bristol |
15 | SENEVIRATNE | Sonia | LA | F | Switzerland | Switzerland | Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich |
16 | THOMAS | Adelle | LA | F | Bahamas | Bahamas | University of The Bahamas; Climate Analytics |
17 | WARREN | Rachel | LA | F | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | UK | University of East Anglia |
18 | ZHOU | Guangsheng | LA | M | China | China | China Meteorological Administration |
19 | MARENGO ORSINI | Jose Antonio | RE | M | Brazil | Peru | CEMADEN |
20 | PEREIRA | Joy Jacqueline | RE | F | Malaysia | Malaysia | Institute for Environment and Development |
21 | SHERSTYUKOV | Boris | RE | M | Russian Federation | Russia | All Russian Research Inst. of Hydrometeorological Information, World Data Center |