AR6 - The Physical Science Basis (AR6-WG1)
Chapter 1: Framing, context, methods
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
CHENDeliangCLAMSwedenSwedenUniversity of Gothenburg
ROJASMaisaCLAFChileChileUniversity of Chile
SAMSETBjørn H.CLAMNorwayNorwayCICERO Center for international climate research
COBBKimLAFUSAUSAGeorgia Inst. of Technology
DIONGUE-NIANGAïdaLAFSenegalSenegalAgence Nationale de l'Aviation Civile et de la Météorologie du Sénégal -ANACIM
EDWARDSPaulLAMUSAUSAStanford University and University of Michigan
EMORISeitaLAMJapanJapanNational Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
FARIASergio HenriqueLAMSpainBrazilBC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change
HAWKINSEdwardLAMUKUKNational Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Reading
10 HOPEPandoraLAFAustraliaAustraliaBureau of Meteorology
11 HUYBRECHTSPhilippeLAMBelgiumBelgiumEarth System Science & Departement Geografie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
12 MEINSHAUSENMalteLAMAustraliaGermanyThe University of Melbourne
13 MUSTAFASawsanLAFSudanSudanMinistry of Animal Resources /Range and Pasture General Directorate
14 PLATTNERGian-kasperLAMSwitzerlandSwitzerlandSwiss Federal Research Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape WSL
15 TREGUIERAnne MarieLAFFranceFranceCNRS
16 CHUERSUWANNaresREMThailandThailandSuranaree University of Technology
17 HEGERLGabriele C.REFUKGermanyGeosciences
18 YASUNARITetsuzoREMJapanJapanResearch Institute for Humanity and Nature
Chapter 2: Changing state of the climate system
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
19 GULEVSergeyCLAMRussiaRussiaP.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences
20 THORNEPeterCLAMIrelandUKMaynooth University
21 AHNJinhoLAMRepublic of KoreaRepublic of KoreaSeoul National University
22 DENTENERFrankLAMItalyNetherlandsEuropean Commission Joint Research Centre
23 DOMINGUESCatia M.LAFAustraliaAustraliaUniversity of Tasmania, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre (ACE CRC)
24 GERLANDSebastianLAMNorwayGermanyNorwegian Polar Institute
25 GONGDaoyiLAMChinaChinaBeijing Normal University
26 KAUFMANDarrellLAMUSAUSANorthern Arizona University
27 NNAMCHIHyacinthLAMNigeriaNigeriaUniversity of Nigeria
28 QUAASJohannesLAMGermanyGermanyUniversity of Leipzig
29 RIVERAJuan AntonioLAMArgentinaArgentinaArgentine Institute for Snow Research, Glaciology and Environmental Sciences (IANIGLA), National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina (CONICET)
30 SATHYENDRANATHShubhaLAFUKUKPlymouth Marine Laboratory
31 SMITHSharonLAFCanadaCanadaGeological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada
32 TREWINBlairLAMAustraliaAustraliaAustralian Bureau of Meteorology
33 VON SHUCKMANNKarinaLAFFranceGermanyMercator Ocean International
35 AZARZarrinREFIranIranFerdowsi University of Mashhad
36 OSBORNTimothyREMUKUKUniversity of East Anglia
Chapter 3: Human influence on the climate system
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
37 EYRINGVeronikaCLAFGermanyGermanyDeutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Oberpfaffenhofen; University of Bremen, Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP), Bremen, Germany
38 GILLETTNathan P.CLAMCanadaCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada
39 ACHUTARAOKrishnaLAMIndiaIndiaIndian Institute of Technology Delhi
40 BARIMALALARondrotianaLAFSouth AfricaMadagascarDepartment of Oceanography, University of Cape Town
41 BARREIRO PARRILLOMarceloLAMUruguayUruguayDepartment of Atmospheric Sciences-Universidad de la República
42 BELLOUINNicolasLAMUKFranceDepartment of Meteorology, University of Reading
43 CASSOUChristopheLAMFranceFranceCECI, Universite de Toulouse, CNRS-Cerfacs
44 DURACKPaulLAMUSAAustraliaLawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison)
45 KOSAKAYuLAFJapanJapanResearch Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
46 MCGREGORShayneLAMAustraliaAustraliaSchool of Earth, Amtosphere and Environment, Monash University
47 MINSeung-kiLAMRepublic of KoreaRepublic of KoreaPohang University of Science and Technology
48 MORGENSTERNOlafLAMNew ZealandGermanyNational Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)
49 SUNYingLAFChinaChinaChina Meteorological Administration
50 HALENKATomasREMCzech RepublicCzech RepublicCharles University
52 MITCHELLDanielREMUKUKUniversity of Bristol
Chapter 4: Future global climate: scenario-based projections and near-term information
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
53 LEEJune-yiCLAFRepublic of KoreaRepublic of KoreaDepartment of Climate System and IBS Center for Climate Physics, Busan National University
54 MAROTZKEJochemCLAMGermanyGermanyMax Planck Institute for Meteorology
55 BALAGovindasamyLAMIndiaUSAIndian Institute of Science
56 CAOLongLAMChinaChinaSchool of Earth Sciences, Zhejiang University
57 CORTISusannaLAFItalyItalyConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) - Istituto di Scienze dell
58 DUNNEJohnLAMUSAUSANOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
59 ENGELBRECHTFrancoisLAMSouth AfricaSouth AfricaUniversity of the Witwatersrand
60 FISCHERErichLAMSwitzerlandSwitzerlandETH Zurich
61 FYFEJohnLAMCanadaCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada
62 JONESChristopherLAMUKUKMet Office Hadley Centre
63 MAYCOCKAmandaLAFUKUKUniversity of Leeds
64 MUTEMIJosephLAMKenyaKenyaUniversity of Nairobi
65 NDIAYEOusmanLAMSenegalSenegalSenegalese National Civil Aviation and Meteorology (ANACIM)
66 PANICKALSwapnaLAFIndiaIndiaCentre for Climate Change Research, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India
67 ZHOUTianjunLAMChinaChinaInstitute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
68 KANIKICHARLAKrishna KumarREMQatarIndiaQatar Meterology Department
69 KATTSOVVladimirREMRussiaRussiaVoeikov Main Geophysical Observatory, Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring
70 KIMOTOMasahideREMJapanJapanAtmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo
Chapter 5: Global carbon and other biogeochemical cycles and feedbacks
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
71 CANADELLJosepCLAMAustraliaAustraliaComonwealth Scientic and Industrial Organization (CSIRO), Oceans and Atmosphere
72 SCHEEL MONTEIROPedroCLAMSouth AfricaSouth AfricaCSIR
73 COSTAMarcosLAMBrazilBrazilThe Federal University of Viçosa
74 COTRIM DA CUNHALeticiaLAFBrazilBrazilUniversidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – Faculdade de Oceanografia
75 COXPeter M.LAMUKUKUniversity of Exeter
76 ELISEEVAlexey V.LAMRussiaRussiaMoscow State University
77 HENSONStephanieLAFUKUKNational Oceanography Centre
78 ISHIIMasaoLAMJapanJapanOceanography and Geochemistry Research Department, Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency
79 JACCARDSamuelLAMSwitzerlandSwitzerlandInstitute of Geological Sciences and Oeaschger Center for Climate Change Research, University of Bern
80 KOVENCharlesLAMUSAUSALawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
81 LOHILAAnnaleaLAFFinlandFinlandFinnish Meteorological Institute
82 PATRAPrabirLAMJapanIndiaJapan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
83 PIAOShilongLAMChinaChinaDepartment of Ecology, Peking University
84 ROGELJJoeriLAMAustriaBelgiumInternational Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
85 SYAMPUNGANIStephenLAMZambiaZambiaCopperbelt University
86 ZAEHLESönkeLAMGermanyGermanyMax Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
87 ZICKFELDKirstenLAFCanadaGermanySimon Fraser University
88 BROVKINVictorREMGermanyRussiaMax Planck Institute for Meteorology
89 FEELYRichardREMUSAUSANOAA Pacific marine Environmental Laboratory
Chapter 6: Short-lived climate forcers
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
91 SZOPASophieCLAFFranceFranceLaboratoire des Sciences du Climat de l'Environnement (LSCE-IPSL)
92 ADHIKARYBhupeshLAMNepalNepalInternational Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
93 ARTAXO NETTOPaulo EduardoLAMBrazilBrazilUniversity of São Paulo - Institute of Physics
94 BERNTSENTerjeLAMNorwayNorwayUniversity of Oslo, Norway
95 COLLINSWilliam D.LAMUSAUSALawrence Berkeley Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley
96 FUZZISandroLAMItalyItalyInstitute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate - National Research Council
97 GALLARDOLauraLAFChileChileUniversity of Chile, Center for Climate and Resilience Research, Geophysics Department
98 KIENDLER-SCHARRAstridLAFGermanyAustriaIEK-8: Troposphere Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
99 KLIMONTZbigniewLAMAustriaPolandInternational Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
100 LIAOHongLAFChinaChinaNanjing University of Information Science and Technology
101 UNGERNadineLAFUKUKUniversity of Exeter
102 ZANISProdromosLAMGreeceGreeceDepartment of Meteorology and Climatology, School of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
103 KANAYAYugoREMJapanJapanJapan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
104 PRATHERMichaelREMUSAUSAUniversity of California Irvine
105 YASSAANoureddineREMAlgeriaAlgeriaCommissariat aux Energies Renouvelables et à l'Efficacité Energétique
Chapter 7: The Earth's energy budget, climate feedbacks, and climate sensitivity
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
106 FORSTERPiersCLAMUKUKUniversity of Leeds
107 STORELVMOTrudeCLAFNorwayNorwayUniversity of Oslo
108 ARMOURKyleLAMUSAUSAUniversity of Washington, Seattle
109 COLLINSWilliamLAMUKUKUniversity of Reading
110 DUFRESNEJean-louisLAMFranceFranceLMD/IPSL , CNRS & UPMC
111 FRAMEDavidLAMNew ZealandNew ZealandVictoria University of Wellington
112 LUNTDanielLAMUKUKUniversity of Bristol
113 MAURITSENThorstenLAMGermanyDenmarkDepartment for Meteorology at Stockholm University
114 PALMERMatthewLAMUKUKMet Office Hadley Centre
115 WATANABEMasahiroLAMJapanJapanAtmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo
116 WILDMartinLAMSwitzerlandSwitzerlandETH Zurich, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science
117 ZHANGHuaLAFChinaChinaNational Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration
118 COLMANRobertREMAustraliaAustraliaAustralian Bureau of Meteorology
119 MATTHEWSH. DamonREMCanadaCanadaConcordia University
120 RAMASWAMYVenkatachalamREMUSAUSANOAA/ Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
Chapter 8: Water cycle changes
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
121 DOUVILLEHervéCLAMFranceFranceMétéo-France
122 RAGHAVANKrishnanCLAMIndiaIndiaIndian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Centre for Climate Change Research
123 RENWICKJames A.CLAMNew ZealandNew ZealandVictoria University of Wellington
124 ALLANRichardLAMUKUKUniversity of Reading
125 ARIAS GOMEZPaola AndreaLAFColombiaColombiaEscuela Ambiental, Universidad de Antioquia
126 BARLOWMathewLAMUSAUSAUniversity of Massachusetts Lowell
127 CEREZO MOTARuthLAFMexicoMexicoUNAM / Laboratory of Engineering and Coastal Processes
128 CHERCHIAnnalisaLAFItalyItalyInstitute for the Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC-CNR)
129 GANThian YewLAMCanadaMalaysiaUniversity of Alberta
130 GERGISJoelleLAFAustraliaAustraliaFenner School of Environment & Society, ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes, The Australian National University
131 JIANGDabangLAMChinaChinaInstitute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
132 KHANAsifLAMPakistanPakistanUET Peshawar and LUMS Lahore
133 POKAM MBAWilfriedLAMCameroonCameroonUniversity of Yaounde 1
134 ROSENFELDDanielLAMIsraelIsraelThe Hebrew University of Jerusalem
135 TIERNEYJessicaLAFUSAUSAThe University of Arizona
136 ZOLINAOlgaLAFRussiaRussiaP.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS and Université Grenoble Alpes
137 BRACONNOTPascaleREFFranceFranceLaboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement / IPSL
138 DIEDHIOUAronaREMCote d'IvoireSenegalInstitut de Recherche pour le Developpement / Université Félix Houphouet Boigny
Chapter 9: Ocean, cryosphere, and sea level change
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
139 FOX-KEMPERBaylorCLAMUSAUSABrown University
140 HEWITT (NEE BANKS)HeleneCLAFUKUKMet Office Hadley Centre
141 XIAOCundeCLAMChinaChinaBeijing Normal University
142 AðALGEIRSDóTTIRGuðfinnaLAFIcelandIcelandUniversity of Iceland
143 DRIJFHOUTSybrenLAMNetherlandsNetherlandsRoyal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
144 EDWARDSTamsinLAFUKUKDepartment of Geography, King's College London
145 GOLLEDGENicholasLAMNew ZealandUKAntarctic Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington
146 HEMERMarkLAMAustraliaAustraliaCommonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
147 KOPPRobertLAMUSAUSARutgers University
148 KRINNERGerhardLAMFranceFranceInstitut des Géosciences de l'Environnement, CNRS/Université Grenoble Alpes
149 MIXAlanLAMUSAUSAOregon State University
150 NOTZDirkLAMGermanyGermanyMax Planck Institute for Meteorology
151 NOWICKISophieLAFUSAUSAUniversity at Buffalo
152 NURHATIIntanLAFIndonesiaIndonesiaIndonesian Institute of Sciences
154 SALLéEJean-baptisteLAMFranceFranceCNRS/Sorbonne Universités (UPMC Univ.), UMR 7159, LOCEAN-IPSL Institute
155 SLANGENAiméeLAFNetherlandsNetherlandsNIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Department of Estuarine & Delta Systems, and Utrecht University
156 YUYongqiangLAMChinaChinaInstitute of Atmospheric Physics
157 ALAKKATUnnikrishnanREMIndiaIndiaRetired Scientist, CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography
158 HORTONBenjaminREMSingaporeUKNanyang Technological University
159 MARSLANDSimonREMAustraliaAustraliaCSIRO Climate Science Centre
Chapter 10: Linking global to regional climate change
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
160 DOBLAS-REYESFranciscoCLAMSpainSpainICREA and Barcelona Supercomputing Center-Centro Nacional de Supercomputación
161 SöRENSSONAnna AmeliaCLAFArgentinaArgentinaCenter for Ocean and Atmosphere Sciences (CIMA / CONICET-UBA), Franco-Argentinian Institute for the Study of Climate and its Impacts (UMI-IFAECI/CNRS-CONICET-UBA)
162 ALMAZROUIMansourLAMSaudi ArabiaSaudi ArabiaCenter of Excellence for Climate Change Research, King Abdulaziz University
163 DOSIOAlessandroLAMItalyItalyEuropean Commission Joint Research Centre
164 GUTOWSKIWilliamLAMUSAUSAIowa State University
165 HAARSMAReinLAMNetherlandsNetherlandsRoyal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)
166 HAMDIRafiqLAMBelgiumBelgiumRoyal Meteorological Institute of Belgium
167 HEWITSONBruceLAMSouth AfricaSouth AfricaUniversity of Cape Town
168 KWONWon-taeLAFRepublic of KoreaRepublic of KoreaAPEC Climate Center
169 LAMPTEYBenjamin L.LAMNigerGhanaAfrican Centre of Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD)
170 MARAUNDouglasLAMAustriaGermanyUniversity of Graz, Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change
171 STEPHENSONTanneciaLAFJamaicaJamaicaThe University of the West Indies
172 TAKAYABUIzuruLAMJapanJapanDepartment of Climate and Geo-chemistry Research, Meteorological Research Institute / Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan.
174 TURNERAndrewLAMUKUKDepartment of Meteorology and National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Reading
175 ZUOZhiyanLAFChinaChinaChinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences
176 FLATOGregoryREMCanadaCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada, Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis
177 TANGANGFredolinREMMalaysiaMalaysiaThe National University of Malaysia
178 TARIQMuhammad IrfanREMPakistanPakistanMinistry of Climate Change Division Government of Pakistan
Chapter 11: Weather and climate extreme events in a changing climate
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
179 SENEVIRATNESoniaCLAFSwitzerlandSwitzerlandInstitute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich
180 ZHANGXuebinCLAMCanadaCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada
181 ADNANMuhammadLAMPakistanPakistanGlobal Change Impact Studies Centre (GCISC), Ministry of Climate Change (MOCC)
182 BADIWafaeLAFMoroccoMoroccoDirection de la Météorologie Nationale (Moroccan Meteorological Service)
183 DERECZYNSKIClaudineLAFBrazilBrazilFederal University of Rio de Janeiro
184 DI LUCAAlejandroLAMAustraliaArgentinaAustralian Research Council, Climate Change Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Australia
185 GHOSHSubimalLAMIndiaIndiaInterdisciplinary Program in Climate Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai
186 ISKANDARIskhaqLAMIndonesiaIndonesiaUniversity of Sriwijaya
187 KOSSINJamesLAMUSAUSANOAA/NCEI Center for Weather and Climate
188 LEWISSophieLAFAustraliaAustraliaUniversity of New South Wales in Canberra
189 OTTOFriederikeLAFUKGermanyUniversity of Oxford
190 PINTOIzdineLAMSouth AfricaMozambiqueUniversity of Cape Twon
191 SATOHMasakiLAMJapanJapanAtmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
192 VICENTE-SERRANOSergio M.LAMSpainSpainSpanish National Research Council (Pyrenean Institute of Ecology)
193 WEHNERMichaelLAMUSAUSALawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
194 ZHOUBotaoLAMChinaChinaNanjing University of Information Science and Technology
195 CHANJohnnyREMChinaChinaSchool of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong
196 SORTEBERGAsgeirREMNorwayNorwayUniversity of Bergen
197 VERACarolinaREFArgentinaArgentinaCIMA/Universidad de Buenos Aires-CONICET
Chapter 12: Climate change information for regional impact and for risk assessment
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
198 RANASINGHERoshanka (rwmrjb)CLAMNetherlandsSri LankaIHE Delft/University of Twente, The Netherlands
199 RUANEAlexanderCLAMUSAUSANASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
200 VAUTARDRobertCLAMFranceFranceCNRS - Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement
201 ARNELLNigelLAMUKUKUniversity of Reading
202 COPPOLAErikaLAFItalyItalyEarth System Physics Section, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
203 CRUZFaye AbigailLAFPhilippinesPhilippinesManila Observatory
204 DESSAISurajeLAMUKPortugalUniversity of Leeds
205 ISLAMAkm SaifulLAMBangladeshBangladeshBangaldesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
206 RAHIMIMohammadLAMIranIranFaculty of Desert Studies, Semnan University
207 RUIZ CARRASCALDanielLAMUSAColombiaColumbia University
208 SILLMANNJanaLAFNorwayGermanyCenter for International Climate Research - Oslo (CICERO)
209 SYLLAMouhamadou BambaLAMRwandaSenegalAfrican Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)
210 TEBALDIClaudiaLAFUSAUSAJoint Global Change Research Institute
211 WANGWenLAMChinaChinaHohai University
212 ZAABOULRashydLAMUAEMoroccoInternational Center for Biosaline Agriculture
213 ALDRIANEdvinREMIndonesiaIndonesiaAgency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG)
214 KAROLYDavid J.REMAustraliaAustraliaEarth Systems and Climate Change in the Australian Government's National Environmental Science Program, based in CSIRO
215 TüRKEşMuratREMTürkiyeTürkiyeBoğaziçi University - Center for Climate Change and Policy Studies
Chapter ATLAS:
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
216 GUTIÉRREZJosé ManuelCLAMSpainSpainSpanish National Research Council (CSIC). Instituto de Física de Cantabria.
217 JONESRichardCLAMUKUKMet Office Hadley Centre
218 NARISMAGemma TeresaCLAFPhilippinesPhilippinesManila Observatory
219 AMJADMuhammadLAMPakistanPakistanGlobal Change Impact Studies Centre (GCISC)
220 GORODETSKAYAIrinaLAFPortugalRussiaUniversity of Aveiro
221 GROSEMichaelLAMAustraliaAustraliaCSIRO Climate Science Centre
222 KLUTSENana Ama BrowneLAFGhanaGhanaGhana Space Science and Technology Institute, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission
223 KRAKOVSKASvitlanaLAFUkraineUkraineUkrainian Hydrometeorological Institute
224 LIJianLAMChinaChinaChinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences
225 MARTíNEZ-CASTRODanielLAMCubaCubaInstituto de Meteorología
226 MEARNSLindaLAFUSAUSANational Center for Atmospheric Research
227 MERNILDSebastian H.LAMNorwayDenmarkUniversity of Southern Denmark
228 MUNIZ ALVESLincolnLAMBrazilBrazilNational Institute for Space Research (INPE)
229 NGO-DUCThanhLAMVietnamVietnamUniversity of Science and Technology of Hanoi, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
230 VAN DEN HURKBartLAMNetherlandsNetherlandsDeltares
231 YOONJin-hoLAMRepublic of KoreaRepublic of KoreaGwangju Institute of Science and Technology
232 CAMILLONIInésREFArgentinaArgentinaCentro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmosfera (CIMA) - University of Buenos Aires - CONICET
233 CHRISTENSENJens HesselbjergREMDenmarkDenmarkNiels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
234 DRIOUECHFatimaREFMoroccoMoroccoMohammed VI Polytechnic University, International Water Research Institute.