AR6 - Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability (AR6-WG2)
Chapter 1: Point of departure and key concepts
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
ARA BEGUMRawshanCLAFAustraliaBangladeshCentre for Corporate Sustainability and Environmental Finance
LEMPERTRobertCLAMUnited States of AmericaUSARAND
ALIElhamLAFEgyptEgyptUniversity of Suez
BENJAMINSENTor ArveLAMNorwayNorwayNorwegian University of Life Sciences
BERNAUERThomasLAMSwitzerlandSwitzerlandETH Zurich
CRAMERWolfgangLAMFranceGermanyMediterranean Institute for Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE), Batiment Villemin
CUIXuefengLAMChinaChinaBeijing Normal University
MACHKatharineLAFUnited States of AmericaUSAUniversity of Miami
NAGYGustavoLAMUruguayUruguayUniversidad de la República
10 STENSETHNils ChristianLAMNorwayNorwayUniversity of Oslo
11 SUKUMARRamanLAMIndiaIndiaIndian Institute of Science
12 WESTERPhilippusLAMNepalNetherlandsInternational Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
13 SáNCHEZ RODRíGUEZRobertoREMMexicoMexicoEl Colegio de la Frontera Norte
14 SUTHERLANDMichaelREMTrinidad and TobagoJamaicaUniversity of the West Indies
Chapter 2: Terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems and their services
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
15 MORECROFTMikeCLAMUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)UKNatural England
16 PARMESANCamilleCLAFUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)USACNRS Ecology Station (SETE)
17 TRISURATYongyutCLAMThailandThailandKasetsart University
18 ADRIANRitaLAFGermanyGermanyLeibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries
19 ANSHARIGusti ZakariaLAMIndonesiaIndonesiaUniversitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak, West Kalimantan Province
20 ARNETHAlmutLAFNigeriaGermanyKarlsruhe Institute of Technology
21 GAOQingzhuLAMChinaChinaChinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)
22 GONZALEZPatrickLAMUnited States of AmericaUSAUniversity of California, Berkeley
23 HARRISRebeccaLAFAustraliaAustraliaUniversity of Tasmania
24 PRICEJeffLAMUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)UKUniversity of East Anglia (UEA)
25 STEVENSNicolaLAFSouth AfricaSouth AfricaStellenbosch University
26 TALUKDARGautam HirakLAMIndiaIndiaWildlife Institute of India
27 DIDUKHYakivREMUkraineUkraineM. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine<br />International Association for Vegetation Science
28 FISCHLINAndreasREMSwitzerlandSwitzerlandETH Zurich
29 FRANCO BILLINICarolREFUnited States of AmericaDominican RepublicVirginia Tech
Chapter 3: Ocean and coastal ecosystems and their services
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
30 COOLEYSarahCLAFUnited States of AmericaUSAOcean Conservancy
31 SCHOEMANDavidCLAMAustraliaAustraliaUniversity of the Sunshine Coast
32 BOPPLaurentLAMFranceFranceLSCE
33 BOYDPhilip W.LAMAustraliaUKInstitute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania
34 DONNERSimonLAMCanadaCanadaUniversity of British Columbia
35 GHEBREHIWETDawit YemaneLAMSouth AfricaEritreaDepartment of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries; branch Fisheries management
36 ITOShin-ichiLAMJapanJapanThe University of Tokyo
37 KIESSLINGWolfgangLAMGermanyGermanyFriedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
38 MARTINETTOPaulinaLAFArgentinaArgentinaNational Council for Research and Technology
39 OJEAElenaLAFSpainSpainUniversidade de Vigo
40 RACAULTMarie-fannyLAFUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)UKSchool of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia
41 ROSTBjörnLAMGermanyGermanyAlfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
42 SKERN-MAURITZENMetteLAFNorwayNorwayInstitute of Marine Research
43 HILMIKarimREMMoroccoMoroccoInstitut National de Recherche Halieutique
44 LEVINLisaREFUnited States of AmericaUSAUniversity of California San Diego
Chapter 4: Water
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
45 CARETTAMartina AngelaCLAFUnited States of AmericaSwedenLund University
46 MUKHERJIAditiCLAFIndiaIndiaInternational Water Management Institute
47 ARFANUZZAMANMd.LAMBangladeshBangladeshBangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies
48 BETTSRichard A.LAMUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)UKMet Office Hadley Centre and University of Exeter
49 GELFANAlexanderLAMRussian FederationRussiaWater Problems Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
50 HIRABAYASHIYukikoLAFJapanJapanShibaura Institute of Technology
51 LISSNERTabea KatharinaLAFGermanyGermanyClimate Analytics
52 LIUJunguoLAMChinaChinaSouthern University of Science and Technology
53 LóPEZ-GUNNElenaLAFSpainSpainI-Catalist, S.L.
54 MORGANRuthLAFAustraliaAustraliaAustralian National University
55 MWANGASixbertLAMUnited Republic of TanzaniaTanzaniaClimate Action Network Tanzania
56 SUPRATIDSereeLAMThailandThailandClimate Change and Disaster Center, Rangsit U.
57 JIMéNEZ CISNEROSBlanca E.REFMexicoMexicoComision Nacional del Agua
58 KUNDZEWICZZbigniewREMGermanyPolandPolish Academy of Sciences
Chapter 5: Food, fibre, and other ecosystem products
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
59 BEZNER KERRRachelCLAFUnited States of AmericaCanadaCornell University
60 HASEGAWAToshihiroCLAMJapanJapanNational Agricultural and Food Research Organization
62 BHATTIndraLAMIndiaIndiaG.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment and Sustainable Development
63 DERYNGDelphineLAFGermanyFranceNewClimate Institute ; IRI THESys, Humboldt-University of Berlin
64 FARRELLAidanLAMTrinidad and TobagoIrelandThe University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus
65 GURNEY-SMITHHelenLAFCanadaCanadaFisheries and Oceans Canada
66 JUHuiLAFChinaChinaInstitute of Enviroment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
67 LLUCH-COTASalvador E.LAMMexicoMexicoCenter for Biological Research of the Northwest, S.C. (CIBNOR)
68 MEZAFranciscoLAMChileChilePontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
69 NELSONGeraldLAMUnited States of AmericaUSAUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
70 NEUFELDTHenryLAMDenmarkGermanyUNEP DTU Partnership
71 THORNTONPhilipLAMUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)UKCGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agricu;ture and Food Security (CCAFS)
72 DUBEPaulineREFBotswanaBotswanaUniversity of Botswana
73 MORISONJamesREMUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)UKForest Research (Research Agency of the UK Forestry Commission)
Chapter 6: Cities, settlements and key infrastructure
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
74 DODMANDavidCLAMNetherlandsJamaicaInstitute for Housing and Urban Development Studies
75 HAYWARDBronwynCLAFNew ZealandNew ZealandUniversity of Canterbury
76 PELLINGMarkCLAMUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)UKUniversity College London
77 CASTAN BROTOVanesaLAFUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)SpainUniversity of Sheffield
78 CHOWWinstonLAMSingaporeSingaporeSingapore Management University
79 CHUEricLAMUnited States of AmericaUSAUniversity of California, Davis
80 DAWSONRichardLAMUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)UKNewcastle University
81 KHIRFANLunaLAFCanadaCanadaSchool of Planning, The University of Waterloo
82 MCPHEARSONTimonLAMUnited States of AmericaUSAStockholm Resilience Centre
83 PRAKASHAnjalLAMIndiaIndiaBharti Institute of Public Policy, Indian School of Business
84 ZHENGYanLAFChinaChinaChinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
85 ZIERVOGELGinaLAFSouth AfricaSouth AfricaUniversity of Cape Town
86 DELGADO RAMOSGian CarloREMMexicoMexicoNational Autonomous University of Mexico
87 ROMERO LANKAOPatriciaREFUnited States of AmericaMexicoNational Renewable Energy Laboratory/ University of Chicago
Chapter 7: Health, wellbeing and the changing structure of communities
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
88 CISSÉGuÉladioCLAMFranceMauritaniaSwiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), University of Basel
89 MCLEMANRobertCLAMCanadaCanadaWilfrid Laurier University, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
90 ADAMSHelenLAFUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)UKKing's College London
91 ALDUNCEPaulinaLAFChileChileUniversity of Chile
92 BOWENKathrynLAFAustraliaAustraliaUniversity of Melbourne
93 CAMPBELL-LENDRUMDiarmidLAMSwitzerlandUKWorld Health Organization
94 CLAYTONSusanLAFUnited States of AmericaUSACollege of Wooster
95 EBIKristieLAFUnited States of AmericaUSAUniversity of Washington
96 HESSJeremyLAMUnited States of AmericaUSAUniversity of Washington
97 HUANGCunruiLAMChinaChinaSun Yat-sen University
99 MCGREGORGlennLAMUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)New ZealandDurham University
100 SEMENZAJan C.LAMSwedenSwedenEuropean Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
101 TIRADOMariaLAFUnited States of AmericaSpainUniversity of California Los Angeles
102 MENNEBettinaREFItalyGermanyWorld Health Organization
103 SEMENOVSergeyREMRussian FederationRussiaInstitute of Global Climate and Ecology
104 TOUSSAINTJean-françoisREMFranceFranceUniversity Paris Descartes
Chapter 8: Poverty, livelihoods and sustainable development
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
105 BIRKMANNJoernCLAMGermanyGermanyUniversity Stuttgart, Institute of Spatial and Regional Planning
107 PANDEYRajivCLAMIndiaIndiaIndian Council of Forestry Research & Education (ICFRE); An Government of India Organisation
108 BOYDEmilyLAFSwedenUKLund University Centre for sustainability Studies
109 DJALANTERiyantiLAFJapanIndonesiaKendari City Government
110 GEMENNEFrançoisLAMBelgiumBelgiumUniversity of Liège
111 LEALWalterLAMGermanyGermanyHamburg University of Applied Sciences
112 PINHOPatricia FernandaLAFSwedenBrazilUniversity of Sao Paulo
113 STRINGERLindsayLAFUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)UKUniversity of York
114 WRATHALLDavidLAMUnited States of AmericaUSAOregon State University
115 OKITaikanREMJapanJapanThe University of Tokyo
116 RIVERA-FERREMarta G.REFSpainSpainSpanish National Research Council (CSIC)
117 ZATARITahaREMSaudi ArabiaSaudi ArabiaDNA-Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral resources
Chapter 9: Africa
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
118 ADELEKANIbidunCLAFNigeriaNigeriaUniversity of Ibadan
119 TOTINEdmondCLAMMaliBeninWorld Vegetable Center, West and Central Africa
120 TRISOSChristopherCLAMSouth AfricaSouth AfricaUniversity of Cape Town
121 AYANLADEAyansinaLAMNigeriaNigeriaObafemi Awolowo University,
123 GEMEDAAdugnaLAMEthiopiaEthiopiaEthiopian Public Health Institute
124 KALABAKanungweLAMZambiaZambiaCopperbelt University
125 LENNARDChristopherLAMSouth AfricaSouth AfricaUniversity of Cape Town
127 MGAYAYunusLAMUnited Republic of TanzaniaTanzaniaUniversity of Dar es Salaam
128 NGARUIYAGraceLAFKenyaKenyaKenyatta University
129 OLAGODaniel OchiengLAMKenyaKenyaDepartment of Geology, University of Nairobi
130 SIMPSONNicholasLAMSouth AfricaZimbabweUniversity of Cape Town
131 ZAKIELDEENSumaya A.LAFSudanSudanInstitute of Environmental Studies
132 HOWDENMarkREMAustraliaAustraliaAustralian National University,
133 YANDAPiusREMUnited Republic of TanzaniaTanzaniaUniversity of Dar es Salaam
Chapter 10: Asia
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
134 CHEONGTae SungCLAMRepublic of KoreaRepublic of KoreaMinistry of Interior and Safety, National Disaster Management Institute
135 LUOYongCLAMChinaChinaDepartment of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University
136 SHAWRajibCLAMJapanJapanKeio University
137 ABDUL HALIMSharinaLAFMalaysiaMalaysiaInstitute for Environment and Development, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
138 CHATURVEDISanjayLAMIndiaIndiaPanjab University
139 HASHIZUMEMasahiroLAMJapanJapanThe University of Tokyo
140 INSAROVGregory E.LAMRussian FederationRussiaInstitute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences
141 ISHIKAWAYoichiLAMJapanJapanJapan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
142 JAFARIMostafaLAMIranIranMacro National Strategic Plan of Climate Change Research AREEO/ and Head of TPS for LFCCs
143 KITOHAkioLAMJapanJapanJapan Meteorological Business Support Center
144 PULHINJuanLAMPhilippinesPhilippinesClimate Change Commission
145 SINGHChandniLAFIndiaIndiaIndian Institute for Human Settlements
147 ZHANGZhibinLAMChinaChinaInstitute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
148 MYEONGSoojeongREFRepublic of KoreaRepublic of KoreaKorea Environment Institute
149 PEREIRAJoy JacquelineREFMalaysiaMalaysiaInstitute for Environment and Development
Chapter 11: Australasia
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
150 LAWRENCEJudyCLAFNew ZealandNew ZealandNZ Climate Change Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington
151 MACKEYBrendanCLAMAustraliaAustraliaGriffith University
152 CHIEWFrancisLAMAustraliaAustraliaCommonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia
153 COSTELLOMarkLAMNorwayIrelandNord University
154 HENNESSYKevinLAMAustraliaAustraliaCSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere
155 LANSBURYNinaLAFAustraliaAustraliaThe University of Queensland
156 NIDUMOLUUday BhaskarLAMAustraliaAustraliaCommonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
157 PECLGrettaLAFAustraliaAustraliaUniversity of Tasmania
158 RICKARDSLaurenLAFAustraliaAustraliaRMIT University
159 TAPPERNigelLAMAustraliaAustraliaMonash University
160 WOODWARDAlistairLAMNew ZealandNew ZealandUniversity of Auckland
161 WREFORDAnitaLAFNew ZealandNew ZealandLincoln University
162 HOEGH-GULDBERGOveREMAustraliaAustraliaUniversity of Queensland
163 WRATTDavidREMNew ZealandNew ZealandNIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research - Emeritus Scientist)
Chapter 12: Central and South America
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
164 CASTELLANOS LOPEZEdwin JosueCLAMGuatemalaGuatemalaInter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI)
165 LEMOSMaria FernandaCLAFBrazilBrazilPontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
166 ASTIGARRAGALauraLAFUruguayUruguayUniversity of the Republic
167 C. POSTIGOJulioLAMUnited States of AmericaPeruIndiana University
168 CHACóNNoemíLAFVenezuelaVenezuelaInstituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC)
169 CUVINicolásLAMEcuadorEcuadorLatinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales
170 HUGGELChristianLAMSwitzerlandSwitzerlandUniversity of Zurich
171 MIRANDA SARALiliana RaquelLAFPeruPeruCities for Life Foro
172 MONCASSIM VALEMarianaLAFBrazilBrazilFederal University of Rio de Janeiro
174 PERIPabloLAMArgentinaArgentinaCONICET-INTA-Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral
176 ROCOLisandroLAMChileChileUniversidad Austral de Chile
177 RUSTICUCCIMatildeLAFArgentinaArgentinaUniversidad de Buenos Aires
178 MENDEZCarlosREMVenezuelaVenezuelaWGII Vice-Chair
179 SUAREZ RODRIGUEZAvelino GumersindoREMCubaCubaResearch Center for World Economy
Chapter 13: Europe
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
180 BEDNAR-FRIEDLBirgitCLAFAustriaAustriaUniversity of Graz, Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change & Department of Economics
181 BIESBROEKRobbertCLAMNetherlandsNetherlandsWageningen University & Research; Public Administration and Policy Group
182 SCHMIDTDaniela N.CLAFUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)GermanyUniversity of Bristol
183 ALEXANDERPeterLAMUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)UKThe University of Edinburgh
184 BøRSHEIMKnut YngveLAMNorwayNorwayInstitute of Marine Research
185 CARNICERJofreLAMSpainSpainDepartment of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, University of Barcelona
186 GEORGOPOULOUElenaLAFGreeceGreeceNational Observatory of Athens
187 HAASNOOTMarjolijnLAFNetherlandsNetherlandsDeltares
188 LE COZANNETGonériLAMFranceFranceBRGM - French Geological Survey
189 LIONELLOPieroLAMItalyItalyUniv. delSalento and CMCC
190 LIPKAOksanaLAFRussian FederationRussiaYU A. Israel Institute of Global climate and Ecology
191 MöLLMANNChristianLAMGermanyGermanyUniversity of Hamburg
192 MUCCIONEVeruskaLAFSwitzerlandSwitzerlandUniversity of Zurich
193 MUSTONENTeroLAMFinlandFinlandSnowchange Cooperative
194 PIEPENBURGDieterLAMGermanyGermanyAlfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
195 WHITMARSHLorraineLAFUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)UKCardiff University
196 KASERGeorgREMAustriaItalyUniversity of Innsbruck
Chapter 14: North America
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
198 HICKEJeffreyCLAMUnited States of AmericaUSAUniversity of Idaho
199 LUCATELLOSimoneCLAMMexicoMexicoInstituto de Investigaciones Dr. José Maria Luis Mora, CONACYT
200 MORTSCHLindaCLAFCanadaCanadaUniversity of Waterloo
201 DAWSONJackieLAFCanadaCanadaUniversity of Ottawa
202 DOMíNGUEZ AGUILARMauricioLAMMexicoMexicoAutonomous University of Yucatán
203 ENQUISTCarolynLAFUnited States of AmericaUSAU.S. Geological Survey, Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center
204 GILMOREElisabeth AnneLAFUnited States of AmericaUSACarleton University
205 GUTZLERDavidLAMUnited States of AmericaUSAUniversity of New Mexico
206 HARPERSherileeLAFCanadaCanadaUniversity of Alberta
207 HOLSMANKirstinLAFUnited States of AmericaUSANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
208 JEWETTElizabeth (libby)LAFUnited States of AmericaUSANOAA Ocean Acidification Program
209 KOHLERTimothy (tim)LAMUnited States of AmericaUSAWashington State University
210 MILLERKathleenLAFUnited States of AmericaUSAResearch Applications Lab, National Center for Atmospheric Research
211 HURLBERTMargotREFCanadaCanadaUniversity of Regina
212 MEARNSLindaREFUnited States of AmericaUSANational Center for Atmospheric Research
Chapter 15: Small Islands
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
213 MYCOOMichelleCLAFTrinidad and TobagoTrinidad and TobagoThe University of the West Indies
214 WAIRIUMorganCLAMFijiSolomon IslandsPacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development
215 CAMPBELLDonovanLAMJamaicaJamaicaUniversity of the West Indies (Mona Campus)
216 DUVATVirginieLAFFranceFranceUniversity of la Rochelle-CNRS, UMR LIENSs 7266
217 GOLBUUYimnangLAMPalauPalauPalau International Coral Reef Center
218 MAHARAJShobhaLAFTrinidad and TobagoGermanyTerraformation
219 NALAUJohannaLAFAustraliaFinlandGriffith University
220 NUNNPatrickLAMAustraliaAustraliaUniversity of the Sunshine Coast
221 PINNEGARJohnLAMUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)UKCentre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas)
222 WARRICKOliviaLAFNew ZealandNew ZealandInternational Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre
224 RIYAZMahmoodREMMaldivesMaldivesMaldivian Coral Reef Society
Chapter 16: Key risks across sectors and regions
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
225 O'NEILLBrianCLAMUnited States of AmericaUSAJoint Global Change Research Institute
226 VAN AALSTMaartenCLAMNetherlandsNetherlandsRed Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre (and IRI/Columbia University & STEaPP/UCL)
227 ZAITON IBRAHIMZelinaCLAFMalaysiaMalaysiaUniversity Putra Malaysia
228 BERRANG FORDLeaLAFUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)CanadaUniversity of Leeds
229 BHADWALSuruchiLAFIndiaIndiaThe Energy and Resources Institute
230 BUHAUGHalvardLAMNorwayNorwayPeace Research Institute Oslo
231 DIAZDelavaneLAFUnited States of AmericaUSAElectric Power Research Institute
232 FRIELERKatjaLAFGermanyGermanyPotsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
233 GARSCHAGENMatthiasLAMGermanyGermanyLudwig-Maximilians-University Munich
234 MAGNANAlexandreLAMFranceFranceInstitute for Sutainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI)
235 MIDGLEYGuyLAMSouth AfricaSouth AfricaUniversity of Stellenbosch
236 MIRZABAEVAlisherLAMGermanyUzbekistanUniversity of Bonn
237 THOMASAdelleLAFBahamasBahamasUniversity of The Bahamas; Climate Analytics
238 WARRENRachelLAFUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)UKUniversity of East Anglia
239 JIANGTongREMChinaChinaNational Climate Centre of China Meteorological Administration
240 OPPENHEIMERMichaelREMUnited States of AmericaUSAPrinceton University
Chapter 17: Decision-making options for managing risk
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
241 NEWMarkCLAMSouth AfricaSouth AfricaAfrican Climate and Development Initiative, University of Cape Town
242 RECKIENDianaCLAFNetherlandsGermanyUniversity of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management
243 VINERDavidCLAMUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)UKGreen Investment Group
244 ADLERCarolinaLAFSwitzerlandChileUniversität Bern Geographisches Institut
245 CHEONGSo MinLAFUnited States of AmericaRepublic of KoreaUniversity of Kansas
246 CONDECeciliaLAFMexicoMexicoCenter of Atmosheric Sciences. National Autonomous University of Mexico.
247 CONSTABLEAndrewLAMAustraliaAustraliaCentre for Marine Socioecology, University of Tasmania
248 COUGHLAN DE PEREZErinLAFNetherlandsUSAClimate Centre
249 LAMMELAnnamariaLAFFranceFranceUniversité Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis
250 MECHLERReinhardLAMAustriaGermanyInternational Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
251 ORLOVEBenLAMUnited States of AmericaUSAColumbia University
252 SOLECKIWilliamLAMUnited States of AmericaUSACity University of New York
253 KLEINRichardREMGermanyNetherlandsStockholm Environment Institute
254 ZOMMERSZintaREFUnited States of AmericaLatviaUnited Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA)
Chapter 18: Climate resilient development pathways
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
255 PRESTONBenjamin L.CLAMUnited States of AmericaUSARAND Corporation
256 REVIAromarCLAMIndiaIndiaIndian Institute for Human Settlements
257 SCHIPPERLisaCLAFUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)SwedenUniversity of Oxford
258 CARREdward R.LAMUnited States of AmericaUSAClark University
259 ERIKSENSiri H.LAFNorwayNorwayNorwegian University of Life Sciences
260 FERNANDEZ-CARRILLuisLAMMexicoMexicoTechnological Institute and Higher Studies of Monterrey, Special Commission on Climate Change of the Senate of Mexico
261 GLAVOVICBruceLAMNew ZealandSouth AfricaMassey University
262 HILMINathalie Jeanne MarieLAFMonacoFranceCentre Scientifique de Monaco
263 LEYDeboraLAFGuatemalaMexicoUN ECLAC
264 MUKERJIRupaLAFSwitzerlandIndiaHelvetas Swiss Intercooperation
265 MUYLAERT DE ARAUJOMaria SilviaLAFBrazilBrazilHousing Company of Rio de Janeiro State.
267 ROSESteven K.LAMUnited States of AmericaUSAElectric Power Research Institute
268 SINGHPramod KumarLAMIndiaIndiaInstitute of Rural Management Anand
269 LIVERMANDianaREFUnited States of AmericaUSAUniversity of Arizona
270 MIMURANobuoREMJapanJapanIbaraki University
Cross-Chapter Paper: Biodiversity Hotspots
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
271 COSTELLOMark LeadMNorwayIrelandNord University
272 MONCASSIM VALEMariana LeadFBrazilBrazilFederal University of Rio de Janeiro
273 GOLBUUYimnangAuthorMPalauPalauPalau International Coral Reef Center
274 KIESSLINGWolfgangAuthorMGermanyGermanyFriedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
275 MAHARAJShobhaAuthorFTrinidad and TobagoGermanyTerraformation
276 PRICEJeffAuthorMUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)UKUniversity of East Anglia (UEA)
277 TALUKDARGautam HirakAuthorMIndiaIndiaWildlife Institute of India
278 FISCHLINAndreasREMSwitzerlandSwitzerlandETH Zurich
Cross-Chapter Paper: Cities and Settlements by the Sea
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
279 CHOWWinston LeadMSingaporeSingaporeSingapore Management University
280 DAWSONRichard LeadMUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)UKNewcastle University
281 GLAVOVICBruce LeadMNew ZealandSouth AfricaMassey University
282 GARSCHAGENMatthiasAuthorMGermanyGermanyLudwig-Maximilians-University Munich
283 HAASNOOTMarjolijnAuthorFNetherlandsNetherlandsDeltares
284 SINGHChandniAuthorFIndiaIndiaIndian Institute for Human Settlements
285 THOMASAdelleAuthorFBahamasBahamasUniversity of The Bahamas; Climate Analytics
286 MYEONGSoojeongREFRepublic of KoreaRepublic of KoreaKorea Environment Institute
Cross-Chapter Paper: Deserts, Semi-arid Areas, and Desertification
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
287 MIRZABAEVAlisher LeadMGermanyUzbekistanUniversity of Bonn
288 STRINGERLindsay LeadFUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)UKUniversity of York
289 BENJAMINSENTor ArveAuthorMNorwayNorwayNorwegian University of Life Sciences
290 GONZALEZPatrickAuthorMUnited States of AmericaUSAUniversity of California, Berkeley
291 HARRISRebeccaAuthorFAustraliaAustraliaUniversity of Tasmania
292 JAFARIMostafaAuthorMIranIranMacro National Strategic Plan of Climate Change Research AREEO/ and Head of TPS for LFCCs
293 STEVENSNicolaAuthorFSouth AfricaSouth AfricaStellenbosch University
294 TIRADOMariaAuthorFUnited States of AmericaSpainUniversity of California Los Angeles
295 ZAKIELDEENSumaya A.AuthorFSudanSudanInstitute of Environmental Studies
296 ZATARITahaREMSaudi ArabiaSaudi ArabiaDNA-Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral resources
Cross-Chapter Paper: Mediterranean Region
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
297 ALIElham LeadFEgyptEgyptUniversity of Suez
298 CRAMERWolfgang LeadMFranceGermanyMediterranean Institute for Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE), Batiment Villemin
299 CARNICERJofreAuthorMSpainSpainDepartment of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, University of Barcelona
300 GEORGOPOULOUElenaAuthorFGreeceGreeceNational Observatory of Athens
301 HILMINathalie Jeanne MarieAuthorFMonacoFranceCentre Scientifique de Monaco
302 LE COZANNETGonériAuthorMFranceFranceBRGM - French Geological Survey
303 LIONELLOPieroAuthorMItalyItalyUniv. delSalento and CMCC
304 HILMIKarimREMMoroccoMoroccoInstitut National de Recherche Halieutique
305 RIVERA-FERREMarta G.REFSpainSpainSpanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Cross-Chapter Paper: Mountains
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
306 ADLERCarolina LeadFSwitzerlandChileUniversität Bern Geographisches Institut
307 WESTERPhilippus LeadMNepalNetherlandsInternational Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
308 BHATTIndraAuthorMIndiaIndiaG.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment and Sustainable Development
309 HUGGELChristianAuthorMSwitzerlandSwitzerlandUniversity of Zurich
310 INSAROVGregory E.AuthorMRussian FederationRussiaInstitute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences
311 MORECROFTMikeAuthorMUnited Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)UKNatural England
312 MUCCIONEVeruskaAuthorFSwitzerlandSwitzerlandUniversity of Zurich
313 PRAKASHAnjalAuthorMIndiaIndiaBharti Institute of Public Policy, Indian School of Business
314 KASERGeorgREMAustriaItalyUniversity of Innsbruck
Cross-Chapter Paper: Polar Regions
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
315 CONSTABLEAndrew LeadMAustraliaAustraliaCentre for Marine Socioecology, University of Tasmania
316 HARPERSherilee LeadFCanadaCanadaUniversity of Alberta
317 DAWSONJackieAuthorFCanadaCanadaUniversity of Ottawa
318 HOLSMANKirstinAuthorFUnited States of AmericaUSANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
319 MUSTONENTeroAuthorMFinlandFinlandSnowchange Cooperative
320 PIEPENBURGDieterAuthorMGermanyGermanyAlfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
321 ROSTBjörnAuthorMGermanyGermanyAlfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
322 BOYDPhilip W.REMAustraliaUKInstitute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania
Cross-Chapter Paper: Tropical Forests
 Last NameFirst NameRoleGenderCountryCitizenshipCurrent Affiliation
323 KALABAKanungwe LeadMZambiaZambiaCopperbelt University
325 ANSHARIGusti ZakariaAuthorMIndonesiaIndonesiaUniversitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak, West Kalimantan Province
326 CHACóNNoemíAuthorFVenezuelaVenezuelaInstituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC)
327 FARRELLAidanAuthorMTrinidad and TobagoIrelandThe University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus
328 NEUFELDTHenryAuthorMDenmarkGermanyUNEP DTU Partnership
329 SUKUMARRamanAuthorMIndiaIndiaIndian Institute of Science
330 SUAREZ RODRIGUEZAvelino GumersindoREMCubaCubaResearch Center for World Economy