Nominations of Experts for Scoping Meetings


Scoping Meeting - AR7


Scoping Meeting - Cities

Section 5.1

Each IPCC Assessment Report, Special Report, Methodology Report and Synthesis Report, as defined in Section 2 of Appendix A to the Principles Governing IPCC work, should be preceded by a scoping meeting that develops its draft outline (and explanatory notes as appropriate). Nominations for participation will be solicited from Government Focal Points, observer organisations, and Bureau members. Participants should be selected by the relevant respective Working Group Bureau/Task Force Bureau and, in case of the Synthesis Report, by the IPCC Chair in consultation with the Working Group Co-Chairs. In selecting scoping meeting participants, consideration should be given to the following criteria: scientific, technical and socio-economic expertise, including the range of views; geographical representation; a mixture of experts with and without previous experience in IPCC; gender balance; experts with a background from relevant stakeholder and user groups, including governments. The Working Group/Task Force Bureau and, in the case of the Synthesis Report, the IPCC Chair will report to the Panel on the selection process including a description of how the selection criteria for participation and any other considerations have been applied, and including a list of participants.