Climate Change: Resilience, Transformation and Equity

Pullman Bangkok Grande, Sukhumvit, Bangkok (Thailand)
Organized By: SMARTS Center, Asian Institue of Technology
28 Apr 2023

Climate change is already shaping the economy, business and future of human living and wellbeing. The IPCC prepares comprehensive Assessment Reports about the state of scientific, technical and socio-economic knowledge on climate change, its impacts and future risks, and options for reducing the rate at which climate change is taking place. It also produces Special Reports on topics agreed to by its member governments, as well as Methodology Reports that provide guidelines for the preparation of greenhouse gas inventories.

The outreach event will be hosted and organized by SMARTS Center (South and South-east Asia Multidisciplinary Applied Research Network on Transforming Societies of Global South).

The event took place on the 28 April 2023 from 09:00 to 17:00 at Hotel Pullman Bangkok Grande, Sukhumvit, Bangkok. 

  • Draft Concept Note

  • Draft Agenda (updated 25 April)

  • Flyer

  • Opening Remarks

  • Closing Remarks

AR6 Synthesis Report

Slide from the Press Conference

Regional Climate Change

Anna Sörensson

Adaptation limits and vulnerability: Marine Ecosystems, Fisheries

William W. L. Cheung

Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability in Food Systems

Toshi Hasegawa

Need for mitigation, transformative action and future scenarios

Shinichiro Fujimori

Climate Change Impact on Water & Water Use Sectors in Asian River Basins

Sangam Shrestha

Atmosphere and Land System Level Changes

June-Yi Lee

Climate Resilient Development

Hans-Otto Pörtner

Energy, Industrial Systems and Transformations in Land and Biomass Use

Francis X. Johnson

The Role of Bangkok Metropolitan Region Plan (BMR) to Support Climate Adaptation and Disaster Prevention

Rattikarn Khambud

Coasts, sea and ocean level changes

Valérie Masson-Delmotte

Adaptation Policy, Finance, Community

Winston Chow

Finance, investment, infrastructure, people’s agency and policy

Joyashree Roy

Mobilising private finance: regional experience

Rajchanee Chanawatr

Sustainable circular production and service enterprise: practical challenges

Nophol Techaphangam

Recording 1

Morning Session

Recording 2

Afternoon Session

Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report Trailer

Synthesis Report

Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis

Working Group I

Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability

Working Group II

Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change

Working Group III

What is IPCC Sixth Assessment Report?


Photo Album
Rajchanee Chanawatr

International Financial Corporation (IFC), World Bank Group

William (Wai Lung) Cheung

Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, The University of British Columbia


Singapore Management University

Shinichiro Fujimori

Kyoto University

Joydeep Gupta

The Third Pole

Toshihiro Hasegawa

National Agricultural and Food Research Organization

Natalia Ilieva

Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union

Gunjan Jain

Climate Trends

Francis X. Johnson

Stockholm Environment Institute

Rattikarn Khambud

Ministry of Interior

June-Yi Lee

Department of Climate System and IBS Center for Climate Physics, Busan National University

Valérie Masson-Delmotte

Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE)

Parimita Mohanty


Abdalah Mokssit


Nareerat Panmanee

Office of Natura l Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Joy Jacqueline Pereira

Institute for Environment and Development

Hans-Otto Pörtner

Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research

Wannasign Prasertkul

Environmental & Social Activist, Documentary Maker

Ahmed Afruh Rasheed

Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU)

Debra C. Roberts

University of KwaZulu-Natal

Joyashree ROY

Asian Institute of Technology

Sangam Shrestha

Asian Institute of Technology

Priyadarshi Shukla

Amrut Mody School of Management, Ahmedabad University

Jim Skea

International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

Youba Sokona

Groupe de Réflexion, d'Analyses et d'Initiatives Novatrices (GRAIN)

Anna Amelia Sörensson

Center for Ocean and Atmosphere Sciences (CIMA / CONICET-UBA), Franco-Argentinian Institute for the Study of Climate and its Impacts (UMI-IFAECI/CNRS-CONICET-UBA)

Nophol Techaphangam


Kazuo Yamamoto

Asian Institute of Technology

Panmao Zhai

China Meteorological Administration

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